<p>Well, I was sitting in yearbook and the phone rings.. my teacher says, "Steven, you have an interview with a university in the guidance office!" I started freakinggggg out and my face was red and everyone was like, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, who's it with?" I was like "OMGOMGOMG IDK, probably penn!" (Penn has an interviewer in my relatively rural area (of course someone was like penn state?!)). So I get there, my heart racing (obv I'm not prepared) and the secretary told me I have an interview with Duke tomorrow. Anyone else have surprise interviews.. or thought they did? :P</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>good luck…and be yourself! :)<----yeah, that was kinda generic.</p>
<p>Haha that’s funny. Good luck tm!</p>
<p>Hmm, thats weird. Good luck!</p>