i know everyone hates cross posters but... what are my chances?

<p>note: I don't have all this yet, hypothetical situation</p>

<p>college GPA: 4.0 community college => will have 31 credits when I transfer
SAT Reasoning: 800V 620M 750W
I have to take SAT IIs (brown lets you take in college) say i'll have 3 800s
Highschool average: 78% (bipolar + drugs)
will have lots of <em>meaningful</em> community service (200+ hours)
made a lot of electronic music (if i got signed and got 12'' pressed-it's not too hard in jungle if its decent-would that help me out?)
assume genius essay that pushes all the right buttons
went to crazy boarding school (a kid got murdered the year there the year before i went-any way I can massage that into looking like i'm from the school of hard knocks?)
no real ec's or sports (boarding school didn't have them
upper-middle class white suburban upstate new yorker</p>

<p>How much will schools look at my highschool record if I have a well-articulated reason for the college-highschool performance gap? What are my chances at Harvard? Yale? Cornell (A&S) (dad works there)? Columbia? NYU? Penn(A&S)? Brown? Chicago? Northwestern? Stanford? Also, any suggestions on how to make up EC deficits in the few months I have left at community college before I send my applications? And how much would another year help if I had say, 60 credits with a 4.0 (I'm taking 6 classes a term plus summer classes) when I apply?</p>

<p>also, any suggestions on non-time consuming ecs that would help my app out?</p>

<p>your'e right we do hate cross posters. had to throw that in. honestly can't tell you much about lower division tranfer. looks good though.</p>

<p>i think you got great stats, i think your chance is like everyone elses, however, many factors play a role in college app. ex. forgetting the deadlines, getting to know the adcom(and bribing them). so yeah, from an analytical point of view and from the mathematics perspective, if we take the derivative of your chance in 4th degree, and then divide that by your parents(2)+you(1), then we can mutiply in the chances of you forgetting to send in the app(0), that's one case or... we can take in to the account you got uber scores and have no life.
i would accurately say your chances is between 0% to 100% :)</p>

<p>heh thanks</p>