<p>note: I don't have all this yet, hypothetical situation</p>
<p>college GPA: 4.0 community college => will have 31 credits when I transfer
SAT Reasoning: 800V 620M 750W
I have to take SAT IIs (brown lets you take in college) say i'll have 3 800s
Highschool average: 78% (bipolar + drugs)
will have lots of <em>meaningful</em> community service (200+ hours)
made a lot of electronic music (if i got signed and got 12'' pressed-it's not too hard in jungle if its decent-would that help me out?)
assume genius essay that pushes all the right buttons
went to crazy boarding school (a kid got murdered the year there the year before i went-any way I can massage that into looking like i'm from the school of hard knocks?)
no real ec's or sports (boarding school didn't have them
upper-middle class white suburban upstate new yorker</p>
<p>How much will schools look at my highschool record if I have a well-articulated reason for the college-highschool performance gap? What are my chances at Harvard? Yale? Cornell (A&S) (dad works there)? Columbia? NYU? Penn(A&S)? Brown? Chicago? Northwestern? Stanford? Also, any suggestions on how to make up EC deficits in the few months I have left at community college before I send my applications? And how much would another year help if I had say, 60 credits with a 4.0 (I'm taking 6 classes a term plus summer classes) when I apply?</p>
<p>also, any suggestions on non-time consuming ecs that would help my app out?</p>