I lied to all my friends that I got into Yale.

<p>k. i feel really really bad right now. i had to transfer to another school last yr coz of my dad's business but i still keep in touch with my friends from my old school. I used to make really good grades at my old school, in fact, i was the smartest among my friends. my friends and i were a group of nerds at the school and we used to talk about colleges alot and i told them how i really love yale and how much i wanna go there and etc and they really thought i would get into yale. i had a 4.0 and 2310 by then end of the junior yr and i thought i had no doubt myself that i would get into yale. i know, i was really stupid and arrogant but i worked my butt off and i thought it would all pay off so this yr, i only applied to 5 schools. thee were harvard, yale, dartmouth, brown and a state school as a safety. and of course, i got rejected from all the ivy schools and got into the state school with a fullride scholarship. however my friends, who didn't always make As in school and scored lower on the sat got into some really good schools. Some of them got into ivy leagues, georgetown and all that prestigious colleges. when they asked me about my colleges, i was too ashamed of myself. i shouldn't have been but i was. the only thing that kept me confident was my high grades and when they resulted only in a state school with a fullscholarship, i was realy let down and all my confidence faded away. anyway so i told them that i got into yale but cuz my dad's business is not going so well, i'd probably have to choose the state school with a full scholarship over Yale. they congratulated me and told other friends and their parents that i got into yale and stuff and their parents called my Mom to congratulate me and i told my mom to lie. i felt so sorry for my mom that she had to lie and fake happy that igot into yale. i felt so miserable but what else culd i have done? i already told them that i got into yale..so my mom did as what i said because she didn't want to embarass me infront of all my friends...
what can i do now? what can i do at this point? i feel so bad and i want tto go back in time just to set everything right but i can't . now that i made my mom tell lies to their parents, i can't even confess. what can i do? i feel so nervous and miserable everyday now that i lied...i am afraid that one of them will eventually ask me to show her the actual acceptance letter...oh god..please help me out guys.</p>

<p>This is a really crappy situation. I think you’ll need to admit the truth at some point in the near future, as much as it sucks. Because you probably don’t want to keep it up like this… you don’t sound too happy at all.</p>

<p>A lie like that can lead you to a ramification of consequences. Apparently, if the news spread, you’re screwed. However, if they’re your friends, they shouldn’t look down on you for not getting into Yale, so might as well tell the truth.</p>

<p>Why would you even lie about that?</p>

<p>cuz i m stupid and have no confidence okay? so it happened and i don’t know what to do about it now. i can’t admit the truth or what would become of my mother who lied to their parents for me ? ugh…</p>

<p>their’s nothing you can do now. Their gonna find out your lying either now or later. If you tell them now they may be more forgiving since you told them. If you don’t and they find out they will lose trust in you and you and your mother will be embarrassed. If they are your TRUE friends they will forgive you, because that’s what friends do. And next time try to be honest, and nothing is wrong with a State school, your smarter for going to one.</p>

<p>Say you are not going to Yale because you can’t afford it, or that you are trying to save money for graduate school. Say it was a personal decision so that it doesn’t seem contrived. Act depressed (you already are).</p>

<p>Yeah, just say that you ended up not being able to afford it. This was painful to read though.</p>

<p>A) Learn to type properly. You think YOU’RE suffering?
B) Never bring it up again. Just try to make them forget about it.</p>

<p>I can see how it might happen. Moving to a new high school can be extremely difficult and sometimes can result in getting down on yourself a little. I can see how you wanted to impress your old friends- it’s hard not to be part of the old group on an every day basis and hear how much fun they are having and you might exagerate to try to still fit in. What’s done is done and I don’t think there is any reason you have to tell them. Just say that with the full ride, you decided to go to the state school and leave it at that. The one you should apologize to is your Mom for putting her in that position. You might try explaining to her how you felt and I bet she will understand. Tell her you made a mistake and how much you appreciate that she didn’t embarass you. If anyone brings it up again, don’t embellish but just repeat that you have decided to be financially responsible and go with the full ride. And BTW, you should feel pretty proud of yourself for getting that full ride- that is a pretty impressive accomplishment. Look at the stats for the Ivy Leagues- some extremely high stats did not get in so you are not alone. </p>

<p>Also remember that in a short time you will have moved on to college and will start forming new friendships. You won’t remain friends with most of your old high school friends so this whole thing will just blow over. Try to stop worrying about impressing your friends and do what makes you happy. Good luck!</p>

<p>Honestly, you might as well continue the lie. What are the chances that they’ll find out? Like 5% chance that they find out with 1000x embarrassment, and your friends looking down on you for lying and them laughing at you. Or, 95% chance that they don’t find out, 0 embarrassment, and your friends still having respect for you. </p>

<p>I know all these people are saying to be honest, but really, how are they ever going to find out? I mean, unless you told anyone else besides your parents… But then again, you might be the type of person who will keep thinking about it 24/7 and be paranoid. I’m more the type of person who would just forget about it and would have little problem moving on. In the end, it’s your decision.</p>

<p>Also, 2310 and 4.0 is hardly impressive. I got rejected to Yale with a 2390 and 4.0 (4.7 weighted)!! Although I probably shouldn’t be bragging about that…</p>

<p>Assuming you are not a ■■■■■ (I rather suspect you are), and you don’t want to come clean, you’ll need to find a way to stop your friends asking you about your Yale acceptance.</p>

<p>You could tell them that it is only making it worse when people mention it, because you know you can’t go due to financial reasons, even though it has been your dream, etc., etc., etc., and you’d rather forget about the whole thing. Also, try to keep their minds away from things relating to your college decisions.</p>

<p>Also, no one is going to ask to see you acceptance letter and if they do tell them that since you have settled on the state school, you have gotten rid of everything else.</p>

<p>okay thanks so much guys. i just had to let this out somewhere…ill do that and enver bring it up again
i feel so paranoid right now and i feel so miserable that i had to lie to keep my chin up in the first place…and i am not a ■■■■■…i created a new account just to post this so that i could remain anonymous on Cc…</p>

<p>^In that case, my apologies for calling you a ■■■■■</p>

<p>hey IHC- don’t be so hard on yourself. You made a mistake, you are facing it , now move on. Believe me, most people have exagerated or out-right lied at some time and those who say they haven’t are not being truthful. I had to move around a lot and it is really hard- at least it was for me. Every one reacts differently. REALLY!!! I can’t emphasize enough that in a year you will have a different life and you will look back and realize you are not a horrible person and it wasn’t that big a deal!</p>

<p>Dude, that’s messed up, but let me offer you some insight.</p>

<p>I understand its more of a peer pressure thing. Your friends got into elite universities, and you didn’t. You’re afraid they might judge you and think you’re inferior or something.
I completely understand because I used to think of people with that same mentality. Heck, I’ve even created a whole thread of arguments about it on CC.</p>

<p>Now that I see things, its actually doesn’t matter at all. Honestly, I had a 2240 SAT with a 3.8 GPA…how the hell did I get Duke and Caltech? My friend with a 2290 SAT and a 4.0 SAT got into Cornell but rejected by Berkeley and UCLA. HOW?!
Its all based on luck. </p>

<p>It reflects nothing about your skill, your worth, or any of that crap. Those who got into Ivy Leagues were simply blessed with an opportunity.
But life is full of opportunities. Don’t look deeply into it. Its just a stupid phase. I used to be soo obsessed with college apps and getting into an elite university.</p>

<p>Now that I got Duke, I lost my drive…everything seems pointless now. I’m like “okay, what now?”</p>

<p>Don’t let colleges affect you in any way. It doesn’t change the way anyone looks at you. Heck the girl I loved only had a 3.1 GPA, and she’s headed off to a state school.
Just don’t mention this whole Yale thing ever. Make sure you talk to your mom about this and move on :]</p>

<p>hahahha wow.</p>

<p>IMHO, I think this lie will continue to haunt you.
Your mother knows you are a liar and you have made her a liar, too.
Why don’t you call your old friends and tell the truth?
The gossip will spread fast enough among your old hs crowd, but it will soon be old news.
I hope you apologize to your mom for humiliating her and dishonoring her, she was proud of your full ride to the State U.
The truth will set you free.
You will feel better, your mom will again be able to trust and respect you, and you can move forward with a clear conscience.
Totally worth it. IMHO.</p>

<p>Lol, a friend of mine told a friend of his that he got into Harvard (He really did, but you get the picture) and it spread throughout the Senior Class within an hour or two. I found out a few days after, but I’m a sophomore. I would just come clean before it gets ugly. Getting into Yale is pretty serious.</p>