<p>Eh, I don’t know. Before I realized Caltech was in Cali, I’d always noobishly assumed that it was “Cowtech” or something from the way people offmouthedly pronounced it lol.</p>
<p>Don’t be so hung up on this. I know several kids who got into prestige schools – Dartmouth and Stanford are two and they’re going to local schools because of the cost. One friend got into Berkeley but is going to Davis because she got a scholarship. Lots of kids choose a lower cost school. I say stop worrying about it. No one bugs these kids about their choice and life goes on. Just let it go…</p>
<p>and as I said it undergrad… save ya money for grad school</p>
<p>Dude, MattNC you’re a joke as well. No one cares about you. Why do you even exist in CC?</p>
<p>You’re hating on a school because it SOUNDS ■■■■■■■■? Are you kidding me? I’m not really sure if you’re seriously as naive and inconsiderate as you sound to be. Clearly you, a sophomore, have 0 = NULL experience in college admission/decision waiting.
Get this through your head man = A LOT OF PEOPLE GET REJECTED. Its not up to you to decide to go to a college with a “prettier name.”
You go to a college that first of all accepts you. A good college you feel you’re a great fit for.</p>
<p>As for the whole Duke vs Caltech…the public eye knows more about Duke than Caltech. I’m sorry, but if I ask any of the jocks at my school about either of the two (I live in California) they have no idea what “a Caltech” is.
Maybe in the “academic world” Caltech may be more prestigious than Duke, but not by a lot.
They’re both excellent elite universities.</p>
<p>^ you are a ****ing joke. he never said anything about the school, just the name “duke” and “caltech”. how about you quit life ? you’re obviously failing.</p>
<p>Let’s calm down? (but being a hypocrite and seconding ^)</p>
<p>No. I thought I told you that you were joke already? Come up with something more original to offend me okay?</p>
<p>I’m really starting to believe MattNC and you are the same under different usernames.</p>
<p>Just a bad joke without a punch line. <em>Dies</em></p>
<p>[color is a strawberry ice cream pink]I should re-watch that sometime[/color]</p>
<p>We need to take hot towels, and wrap them around our heads.</p>
<p>It makes me sad to see this… Come on guys, internet fighting is dumb! Let’s all get along and be nice to each other… the world is mean and ****ed up enough as it is
yay happy faces :)</p>
<p>Why don’t happy faces work for me? [noparse]:)[/noparse] [noparse]:)[/noparse]</p>
<p>Omg, my life sucks. Even smilies don’t like me [noparse]:([/noparse] [noparse]:([/noparse]</p>
<p>Excellent point. Why would you choose a school if it doesn’t impress the jocks?</p>
<p>If you want to impress someone in the academic world, I don’t think any school does so more than Caltech. Tell them you’re from Duke and they’ll be impressed. Tell them you’re from Harvard and they’ll be more impressed. Tell them you’re from Caltech and they’ll know you’re srs bsnss.</p>
<p>Don’t worry about it. It will probably just blow over. And send out some transfer apps and transfer into a top school. Easy solution.</p>
<p>actually I repeated what you said to show that “you are a joke” is more appropriate said to you, not MattNC. I should have said YOU are a joke, but i figured you would understand. Guess I was wrong because you failed again.</p>
<p>Okay, now, let’s calm down?</p>
<p>nO nEvEr DoN’t TeLl Us WhAt To Do</p>
<p>^ Go Back to Rainbow!!!11!one!</p>
<p>haha, that kid attacked me over the interwebz. I r offended. “Nobody cares about you”, “You have no experience”. I’ve been rejected by plenty of things, and my brother has been through college, as have my parents, so I obviously know something. I was talking about the name of a school, you act like I matter on the interwebs. I seem to be a target of this Johnny Double 1 7 kid. Excuse me for letting you know how stupid you are daily. I’ve been hating on Duke long before you applied to it for more reasons than it’s name guy, cool your jets.
/rantoverIsuppose? </p>
<p>And I just chundered everywhere.</p>
<p>Confused as to why everyone is still all riled up about this. O.o</p>
<p>Because being riled up over this is fun. :D</p>