<p>One of my parents is a hard-core emotional blackmail/catholic guilt-tripper/ultra-conservative hispanic-ness. At some point you have to realize that, as much as you love your parents, their duties involve nail-bitting and pain and that’s how it will always be. WILL TO POWER, googoo. </p>
<p>They’ve reared you in the best manner possible and you’ve gotten to where you are now. However, it seems like they need to hear you assert your needs and desires in a firm way that they’ve propably never heard before. The same firmness needs to be packed in the explanation of your PhD program, which is also very much warranted.</p>
<p>I did this with my parent when I moved in with my SO. I was not disrespectful but I was firm and very pointed in saying that the environment I was living in under her despotic rule was not conducive to any growth or future, especially since I was expected to pay most of the bills at one point. Fast forward a year and I’ve been able to dedicate time to MA applications (Going to U Chicago!), articles, and things I previously had no time for because I needed to tow the line with family emotionally, financially and psychologically. This parent has since chilled out significantly because she’s seen the payoff.</p>
<p>The other parent was more lasseiz fare and a little absent, but when it came down to drink it got aggressive in telling me what I should study and where. Again, the firmness and conviction that I KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING and that I was a worthy investment (speaking in that parent’s language) also worked. This parent has too chilled out and is begging me to work with them on a project (not my field). </p>
<p>As a fellow student with a disability, I find it apalling that a parent would use their child’s condition against them. While my parents never did this, there have been times where they justified why I shouldn’t study/pursue what what I wanted by throwing the invoices of their expenses caused by my disability in my face (among other things). </p>
<p>The only thing you owe your parents is succeeding in your own right. In the end, you’ll probably be a happier/more capable son or daughter if you achieve YOUR life goals divested of all bitterness. </p>
<p>I will say this, My parents have been generally supportive but there have been dark moments that really pushed me to be as cut and dry as I am.</p>
<p>GET OUT OF THERE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. You have no idea how your will and dreams can shrink under this type of pressure, complaisence and negativity…</p>