I made a D my junior year in one of my classes, will UCSD or Riverside still accept me?

It was in my English class last year and I had made a D due to having moved schools mid way through the semester, I was having really bad issues with my depression, and I ended up doing poorly in the class. I do have a 3.7 GPA though, 3 AP classes, and a DE class, if that makes a difference. My ACT is a 25, but I am going to retake it next month, and I will be taking the SAT next month also. Can someone give me answers on whether or not I still have a chance, or what ACT or SAT score I need to get to still possibly be accepted? I am so stressed out about this, and I need answers if I should still try, or just not bother.

Did you retake the English class? UC’s require 4 years of English so you need a passing grade of C or higher to complete your a-g course requirements.
Your ACT is below the 25th percentile for UCSD. Fr UCR, it is within range.
Is your GPA of 3.7, your UC GPA capped weighted?

UCR looks possible if you repeat the English class. UCSD is a Reach. Look at the Freshman profiles below to compare your stats


Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79:

UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD: 6%
UCD: 15%
UCSB: 14%
UCI: 13%
UCSC: 59%
UCR: 78%
UCM: 92%

I wouldn’t say I’m repeating it. That was English 3 and I’m just taking English 4 this year. That 3.7 is weighted.

If you do not have 4 years of English completed by graduation, your UC/ CSU acceptance will be rescinded. They will not take 3 years or 3 1/2 years depending upon which semester you got the D. You need to repeat the semester(s) or forget about applying to these schools. I would talk with your counselor. UC’s and CSU’s do not allow grade validation for English by taking a higher level like for validation of Math and Foreign language classes.

From the UC website:::
Does English 5-6 (11th grade) or English 7-8 (12th) validate English 3-4 (10th grade)?

No. A higher-level English course does not validate a lower-level English course. Validation rules do not apply to English courses.

You have to complete the A-G courses with a C or better - period. No 8th semester of English, you won’t get into any UC or CSU. You need to find a way to re-take the class or substitute something else for it before you graduate.

D aside, a 3.7/25 will make UCSD pretty unlikely and UCR a 50/50 proposition.

Sit down with your counselor today and figure out how to get that English gap filled. Maybe a CC class, maybe something on-line through the district.

Assuming you do, Most programs at any CSU but CP SLO and SDSU are quite possible. Long Beach, Fullerton, Chico and Sonoma are among those you should look into.