I made a mistake on my UC App

I made some mistakes in my application where I put “H” next to my honors classes but did not register them as honors classes. Instead, I accidentally left it as “NH.” I did this to 5/7 honors classes I took. (I’m dumb for doing this I know) Also, I am taking 2 additional AP courses next semester and did not add that onto my application. How do I adjust this? Does it even matter? Will the UCs be able to figure this out themselves? Will they still calculate it into my GPA? (I’m a CA resident who went to school here) Thank you!

Are all the Honors classes you mislabeled UC aporoved? Not all High school Honors courses are approved forbhe extra weighting. You can check here by typing in your HS name.


Any corrections to your application need to be emailed to this address. Include name, application ID and if possible upload a copy of your HS transcript.


yeah they all are considered honors courses

Hey there, I know it’s been a few years and highly doubt you’ll see this but could you help me out? I’ve made basically the same mistake and wondering how everything turned out for you!