I made a mistake this year...

<p>Ok. So U mich is my number 1 school. In 10th grade, I get a 4.0 UW GPA. But, this year (11th grade), I screwed up. In AP history I got B's both semesters, and in spanish I got a B second semester! My UofM gpa is screwed now, its like a 3.87. DOH! any ideas what to do? </p>

<p>(ps if your wondering I got a 31 act (meh, taking again), did some ecs 10th and a lot of ecs 11th grade, and I'm sure that i'll get sweet teacher recs.)</p>

<p>...3 B's is a mistake???? Come on now.....you'll be fine, assuming you are calculating your UM GPA correctly, which according to hoedown happens less often than you'd think.</p>


<p>Yeah, thanks for the consolation, I guess you're right. I'm just <strong><em>ed at my spanish teacher for being a *</em></strong>. Lol</p>

<p>sometimes i wonder if i even like the people in CC cause theyre all so damn smart..ARG!!!! hahaha</p>

<p>lol...ay chico...calmate por favor. Creo que tres b´s no te impedirán que estudies en la universidad de Michigan.</p>


<p>Gracias para su apoya. ¡Dios, me molesta español!</p>

<p>jaja....pero...una coreci</p>

<p>whoops...se me olvido decir "de nada".....pues...de nada chico!</p>


<p>Krazy, anybody with a Michigan GPA over 3.8 and an ACT over 30 has a good chance of getting in. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Apply in September and look for an aceptance before Thanks Giving.</p>

<p>3.87.... looks perfectly fine to me..</p>

<p>You don't need a perfect 4 to go to Michigan. You don't NEED a 30 on your ACT either. As long as you show potentials and apply early, you'll get in.</p>

<p>I can see why you got a B in spanish, krazy.jp</p>