I messed up my app, need help on writing an apology letter..

<p>I figured out a few days ago that I totally misunderstood the part regarding finances on my app. First, I thought of just ignoring that mistake, since it won't be very obvious unless I let them know. But then I realized my FA application won't make any sense if I don't fix that mistake. Would making such a stupid, careless mistake and having to send an apology letter hurt my chances? :( :( </p>

<p>I wrote the apology letter already, but I'm not sure if it sounds sincere, formal and if it actually makes sense at all. Could anyone have a look at it and help me out? It's only four sentences long. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>

<p>PM me, I'll look it over, but I wouldn't worry...</p>

<p>You can PM it to me if you like.</p>