I met Mary Sue Coleman yesterday...

<p>She delivered a speech for the women's leadership conference in Dubai. From what I hear, her speech was excellent. She did Michigan proud.</p>

<p>Speakers</a> - Women as Global Leaders - Learning Leadership - 10 - 12 March 2008</p>

<p>As you can see, other women who spoke at the conference included several UAE women who are paving the way for Arab women's leadership (go girls!), as well as Jane Fonda, Sarah Ferguson</p>

<p>After the speech, she met the alums for a luncheon. There were about 25 Michigan alums present. I got to speak to her for a few minutes. She seems like a very nice person. She is shorter (and more pettite) than I had imagined. </p>

<p>Just thought I'd sahe this tidbit with you all.</p>

<p>That's awesome. If I didn't have school my dad would've taken me with him to the Abu Dhabi Leadership Forum that took place 2 weeks ago.(Alan Greenspan, Fiorina, Sculley, etc). That would've been a fantastic forum to witness.</p>

<p>"She is shorter (and more pettite) than I had imagined."</p>

<p>So is Madonna but I would not cross her.</p>

<p>An article about her visiting Dubai and hosting a luncheon for Michigan alumni appeared on the front page of the Daily sometime ago. Did she speak at the luncheon too?</p>

<p>Yes, she did speak a little and answered a few questions.</p>

So is Madonna but I would not cross her.


<p>Very wise--have you seen her arms lately?</p>