I Must Know

<p>Hey guys, sorry to be cliched, but what are my chances of being accepted to Dartmouth? </p>

<p>I am a white female from Minnesota.
3.9 unweighted GPA at private high school (no rankings, but top 5%)
34 ACT
2320 SAT: 800 CR, 760 M, 760 W
SATIIs: 800 Math II, 710 US history, 750 biology-M
APs: European History-5, Calculus AB-5, US History-5</p>

<p>Current classes:
AP Chemistry
Advanced Science Research
AP calc BC
Chinese VI
AP English

<p>ECs: fall dramas, musicals (2 drama letters), stage tech(stage manager, deck manager), Quiz Bowl(co-captain), Math League (co-captain), Newspaper (news editor senior year), Shakespeare club.</p>

<p>Community service: assisting at preschools, visiting elderly, teaching Chinese to 2nd graders, 90 service hours through Project Link, Service Award</p>

<p>Summers: 2 People to People trips (earned 2 college credits, 2 high school credits), biochemistry research at the University of St. Thomas (365 hours)- wrote a paper which I have submitted to several science competitions</p>

<p>Academic honors: State art award for ceramics through Scholastic Arts, member of the Cum Laude society, National Chinese Honor Society, headmasters list every semester so far in high school, English departmental distinction award, AP Scholar, Math departmental Distinction Award, National Merit Semifinalist, works selected for publication in Honors Papers (a school publication of the best essays from each school year)</p>

<p>I have been told my essay is good (by an editor for the Mpls Star Tribune) and I have two amazing teacher recommendations.</p>

<p>your stats are far better than mine (maybe I had a few more ECs and applied early but still...) and I got accepted- so I would say you have a good chance...</p>

<p>I would say you have a pretty good shot. Are you planning on continuing drama/musicals in college? Because I think a lot of top schools look for the diversity that brings.</p>

<p>Thanks guys. And yes, I do plan on continuing drama in college (and said that on my application)</p>

<p>yea, your stats are much better than mine as well. Just make sure your essay is amazing.</p>