I need help asap!

<p>I took my first actual collegeboard SAT test and got a 1490 (430CR/680M/400W). Right now I'm so scared about my future thinking that I'm going to end up in a community college.
(I went to SAT prep classes and probably went up 120 points in my score)
(I'm hiring a tutor but people say that my SAT score is not going to increase)</p>

<p>-My cumulative average in highschool is about a 90 unweighted.<br>
-I'm in a special science program which is ranked high in all NYC schools. I was accepted to a city science competition out of thousands of applications (NYCSEF).
-I have a deans record for doing something SO STUPID.
-I'm on the volleyball and bowling team.
-I'm in alot of clubs
-I'm going to volunteer at a hospital.</p>


<p>^ Simple: STUDY till your eyes get sore</p>

<p>Your score can definitely increase with practice and a tutor. Just search all the SAT threads out there. I think you will be fine. Do the best you can. Your scores will most likely improve with practice and your tutoring. But, keep in mind, scores are not the only things admissions look at.</p>