I need help QUICK! Trying to saran wrap a car...

<p>I'm trying to saran wrap a honda civic tonight...how many rolls of saran wrap should I buy? (serious answers please, if you've done/seen this happen)</p>

<p>Who's car are you wrapping and why?</p>

<p>dunno man.....i'd just....get what i thought i needed...plus a bit more.</p>

<p>it depends on the car but 2 should do...each roll has 100 sq ft</p>

<p>The Costco-sized one. Seriously though, it'll be pretty expensive to do it with regular...</p>

<p>Get the extra-wide if you can find it. Have fun!</p>

<p>I don't know, but please take a picture and post it on here!</p>

<p>try to find those big roles of cellophane that sometimes people use to cover windows in the winter. Check home depot or something.</p>

<p>Costco Ftw!!</p>

<p>the last time i saran wrapped a car we used 4 rolls of some cheap walmart stuff.
then again that was an SUV.</p>

<p>A couple of my friends did this to another friend once... unfortunately I wasn't there to see it so I can't help you.</p>

<p>I wonder if he/she's done it yet...</p>

<p>Someone remind me....</p>

<p>What's the point in saran wrapping a car? It'll take the owner a whole 2 minutes to unwrap it enough to get in the car.</p>

<p>^ Yeah but thats why you do what I did and fill the car with packing popcorn before you saran wrap it :D</p>

<p>Wow, a jerk AND environmentally unfriendly! Genius! <em>rolls eyes</em></p>

<p>oh lighten up silverclover. there's nothing wrong with a little practical joke.</p>

<p>!like zomg the environment!</p>

<p>yeah the o-zone will melt because of our saran wrap</p>

<p>while al gore takes private jets around the world</p>
