I need some success stories

<p>So I'm going to take the SAT and I've been prepping for 2-3 months, solidly. </p>

<p>Gone over practice questions and the like, practice tests, SAT Question of the Days...gone over PSAT booklet, or will soon anyway...vocabulary, etc. </p>

<p>So I need tips on the mindset and/or success stories resulting in improvement from studying. :)</p>

<p>Take a practice test once a week between now and the test. They are pretty accurate. & helpful </p>

<p>Also I studied a lot for my first test, but I took it again 6-7 months later with much less studying (just brushing up on words and critical reading) and my score went up 100 points to a 2300… so assuming you’re a junior, it’s definitely not the end of the world. Practice, practice. Review answers meticulously if you want a best possible score.</p>

<p>^ I did something very similar to the OP, and my score went from a 2230 to a 2400 the next time I took it. Also buy one book: RocketReview. That book is worth its weight in gold once you’re in the 2100+ range.</p>

<p>I’m a junior and haven’t taken it yet. My PSAT score was entirely dismal, however (lower than what I had in 7th grade! heh). So, just chuggin’ along I s’pose.</p>

<p>@ GeoffreyChaucer
Why is the Rocket Review so good? What sections is it good for?</p>

<p>can u get a score of 2100 up from having a score of 1600???</p>

<p>love1016 - it’s totally possible depending on how much time you have! the first time I EVER took it (with NO prep at all, no idea what the SAT was even like) was in a kaplan course in the summer going into sophomore year and i got a 1640. on the psats sophomore year I got a 186. I retook the Kaplan class over the summer going into junior year (you can retake the kaplan class for reallyyy cheap if you’re “not satisfied” with the results) and junior year on the psat i got a 208! now i’m hoping for 2150/2200 on the actual SATS! as long as youre willing to do the work, it’s possible</p>

<p>i went from 1920 to 1960 to a 2210. The first two times I never took it seriously. For the third time, I studied for about a month. You’ll hear even greater stories than mine, I can assure you.</p>

<p>You wanna hear a success story?</p>

<p>During my PSAT in junior year i got 171, 38 in writing (don’t ask).</p>

<p>I took the SAT in June of that year. I got 1990 (560 R, 750 M, 680 WR)</p>

<p>I took it again in October. I got 1960 (550 R, 750 M, 660 WR)</p>

<p>I took it again in December, after studying thoroughly. I got 2140 (600 R, 750 M, 790 WR)</p>

<p>My reading improved because I started reading newspapers the week before, 600’s not that great though…</p>

<p>My math…stayed the same.</p>

<p>My writing…woah, I was shocked when I saw my score…but yeah, I studied the sparknotes writing guide they had for about a week…guess it helped.</p>

<p>Well, mine is also a success story. I’m an international, so it’s not entirely comparable, but still.
Jan 2008–> CR 470, W 490, M 580 - 1540
I was completely shocked.
Studied a bit, I have one SAT prep book from Peterson’s.
Oct 2008–> CR 650, W 620, M 700 - 1970
Quite happy, but still going to retake in January. Hope I’ll have time to study…
Hoping for 2100+ seems ist quite possible.</p>