<p>I am currently a freshman going to a college in the Southeast (USC). However, I was born in Maryland, and have moved around every two years. I was also accepted to Ohio State (with a Buckeye's PLUS scholarship that would have brought tuition down big time).</p>
<p>Anyways, I lived in South Carolina for 5 years, moved here in 8th grade, and hated it ever since I've been here. I do everything I need to succeed, but the racism here, southern culture is sickining and I need to get out of here. I dont need conselling or to join some club, I need out. Someone else in a club I'm apart of (she is from Texas) just commented on the culture shock she recieved from here. That is the race problem. If I knew it would still be an issue in this college, I would have left for Ohio (and I'm ****ed that I was talked out of it by relatives).</p>
<p>Anyways, I need a way out. I will make the grades, but dont know how I will possibly afford to pay off $20,000+ a year bills. I will be a mechanical engineer, pay's is good, but still, those are some pricey bills.</p>
<p>Any ideas as to what I can do to pay for this stuff? Any colleges out in California offering anyone above a freshman some big scholarships? I need out of the southeast, I'm sick of it. Could someone please help.</p>