<p>I went into this weekend knowing I would be whomped with studying and I told myself I wouldn't waste Saturday doing nothing, otherwise I would be cramming on Sunday..</p>
<p>And what did I do?</p>
<p>I took all the stuff I was going to study out of my backpack, put it on my desk and then proceeded to waste the rest of the day. Didn't study a single thing.</p>
<p>Now it's 12:30 am and I have to make up for all the time I wasted....I seriously can''t believe I did this again. I have such terrible work ethic/study habits that I'm starting to fear something bad happening the next time I do this.</p>
<p>Is it because you don’t like the subject matter? I did the same throughout the semester for psychology, and I am cramming for it now. I made sure to take classes I like for next semester. That way studying won’t be a chore.</p>
<p>lol sounds like my day. wasted time online, watched a football game, went out for pizza with friends, hung out til midnight and then had no desire to open a book or review lecture notes. </p>
<p>oh well, only 2 more finals and I’ll be done for the semester, woohoo!</p>
<p>Yeah me too. Although, the good thing is I live at home (commuter student) so I get to put my laptop and TV in a different room from the one I’m studying in. That helps sometimes. Although, you can see I’m not in my study room right now. :(</p>
<p>Study for Chem mid-term (…so dumb, our final is the week after)
Find 40 articles pertaining to Chemistry and summarize each one (we were given this in September and it’s due on Tuesday XFD)
Study for Math mid-term
Finish 2 chem lab write ups</p>
<p>To do, before I go home for the holidays:
Write a paper for world cultures due on wednesday
Watch a movie and write a short essay on it due on wednesday
Read about 2,000 pages of stuff that I was supposed to have read throughout the semester for my law class this weekend, then study for the final
Read a book or two and then write two papers, each about 5-6 pages long
Study for an econ final
Go christmas shopping, clean out my fridge, pack
Check in for my flight online
Get to the airport at 5:30AM to catch my 6:30 cross country.</p>
<p>I’m so ****ing screwed…:(</p>
<p>Put out work, procrastinate. Sounds like the story of my life. Though I have convinced myself fully that I work/******** better under pressure.</p>
<p>There is NO REASON to beat yourself up over this! :)</p>
<p>Relax, realize that it is completely normal and that nearly 100% of all college students do it, take deep breath, and move on. If you don’t let it go, your full attention won’t be devoted to studying… so, let it go! Get some sleep, and study on Sunday (today). Take breaks today so that you don’t get frustrated and overwhelmed, and calm down. :)</p>
<p>I swore a month ago that I will cut myself every time I wasted a day procrastinating. Needless to say, I’m very happy that this is a long sleeve season.</p>
<p>Yeah. I’m actually right now writing an essay that was due Friday (to my credit, the computer crashed on Thursday and there was no way that I could write the entire thing in one night). And I still have applications to do, and a poem to analyze, and two article summaries for psych. =[</p>
<p>It’s probably because I’m taking 2 core curriculum classes that I’d rather not take right now. I’ve resigned myself to getting a B or less in both classes but now it looks like I’ll get a B+/A- ish.</p>
<p>It turns out I’m still screwed and it’s now Monday. I was given the option to take my chem mid term on Tuesday so I did that. So yesterday I did about 6 chem articles…34 to go!! Still have to study math mid term but that will be cake, I still have to complete 2 lab write ups and these are crucial because my grade sucks and I need them badly -_-.</p>
<p>Turned out to be too much work to do. I left too much. I went to bed at 5:30 a.m and woke up at 7:45 but I still hadn’t finished.</p>
<p>Took both my midterms and think I did alright. Now I have finals next week LOL. Still need to get those lab reports in but they’ll be considered late.</p>