<p>It was a 50 questions mutiple choice exam, but every choice seems like a possible answer. :( It's probably the most difficult exam I've ever done within these 3 years. :( I feel so bad now.:( I'm not used to the kind of scantron they used. The boxes are too small and I spent some time not to fill outside of them. :( And the crappiest thing is, when there was still 10 minutes before the end of the exam, the professor came up to me and asked if I had finished it. A miniute later, another TA asked the same question. Finally I gave in. :( SUCKS</p>
<p>Try not to feel too bad: all of us have done badly on a midterm or two. When you get it back, look over the answers. If it makes sense, then you should be OK. If you're completely lost, get help ASAP. Oh, and you shouldn't worry too much about the scantron. As long as it didn't look like you were filling in two bubbles, they aren't going to trash it if the machine couldn't read it. It's not like grading a multiple choice exam takes a lot of time.</p>
<p>one thing- don't stress about the scantron. there are far, far too many things to worry about than whether or not you stayed inside the lines. The machines aren't THAT sensitive- it'll be fine. </p>
<p>also don't let the teachers or tas or whatever intimidate you. you're entitled to the allotted time. screw them.</p>
<p>The midterm was supposed to start at 7 pm and ended at 9 pm. But it started at almost 7:20. Most people left before 8:30. :( This midterm must be a piece of cake for them. :(</p>
<p>K, again- DO NOT compare yourself to other people. Seriously. You have no idea how they did on their tests- for all you know they decided to decorate a Scantron Christmas tree and peace out. It's a complete waste of time and emotion and brainspace.</p>
<p>You really, really need to be more confident in yourself and in your work. You'll never get through life if you're so concerned with how you compare to others, especially when you really have no actual basis for comparison.</p>
<p>Thx for your advice. :(</p>
<p>So, in the next midterm, I'll just ignore my annoying prof and TA until the official end time.</p>
<p>Yes. Or you say, ok, I'll be done by the end of the test time and leave it at that. They'd have cause for complaint if you were trying to go beyond the time they gave you, but they're not allowed to kick you out just because you're the last person left if there's still time. </p>
<p>Also, it's really, really not the end of the world if you don't do well on one midterm. That grade, and the class itself, are only a very small part of your time here. Everyone has a bad grade once in awhile, especially when they're new to the school and the system and the lifestyle. Don't beat yourself up over this, it's just really not worth it. At all. You have a lot of time to redeem yourself and your gpa.</p>
<p>haha OWNED....I mean sorry :(</p>
<p>lawl. </p>
<p>always the reassuring voice of hope and compassion.</p>
<p>don't worry. there are many harder tests to come haha.</p>
<p>aww I don't have any advice or reassurance to offer that hasn't been said, but I hope it turns out okay :-)</p>
<p>First UCLA midterm tomorrow...trying to absorb a month's worth of lectures and 350 pages of reading. Anyone have any recommendations? This is for Poli Sci- 142 Political Parties. I'm trying to make tables when appropriate so I can differentiate between the different theories and whatnot, and making up sample essay questions and doing outlines for them. Any other methods that would help?</p>
<p>bfired2: my roommate is studying for the same class</p>
<p>no way! well, i guess it's possible with 120 students that there's a connection somewhere. how is he studying for the midterm, citan?</p>
<p>bfired2: dunno the specifics...but he has the huge yellow course reader in front of him</p>
<p>oh geez. i'm trying to stay away from that monstrosity.</p>
<p>Wait... the hardest midterm exam you've taken in your three years here was a 50-question multiple-choice exam? What's your major? :rolleyes:</p>
<p>trust me... there are going to be harder exams in the future.
But please DO NOT WORRY. Everyone has done bad on an exam. Hey who knows? Maybe others did just as bad and the class will be curved.</p>
<p>I took my first midterm on Monday, and let me tell you it's not going to be good. I feel for you.</p>