I have screwed up this quarter... big time. I am currently a California Communty College student who has been accepted to Cal for the fall. Basically to get a long story short, I screwed up this quarter. I got my first C on my transcript in a freakiN Calculus class. I know for a fact I could have done better in it. Not only did I get a C in calc, but I also got a B in Art, and I think i'm going to get a B(i hope to god its not a C) in the last quarter of lower division bio. Basically I'm <strong><em>ed off at myself because I slacked off so much. I was hoping to have a 4.0 in my bio series, but i messed that up. Then the C just *</em></strong>ed me the hell off in Calculus, it wasn't even hard, I was just lazy...... Art, that just ***ed me off even more because it was suppose to be an easy A. The 3rd quarter of lower div. bio is suppose to be waaaaay easier than the organismal and MCB stuff, and it was, its just that i screwed it up for myself My GPA has been shot down because of this. I was a nose under 3.7 now I think i'll be down to a 3.4......... I'm really upset.</p>
<p>Now i'm really worried, because my ultimate goal is to go to Medschool... Have I ruined my chances? I know I just have to keep my head up and work even harder now, but I'm so *<strong><em>ed off at myself for *</em></strong>ing this quarter away when it should have boosted my GPA instead of shooting it down.</p>