I started freaking out... incomplete IGETC

<p>I figured that I'd go through the courses I took to see what I could have done to actually transfer in 1 year instead of 3... yeah, planning is a bit.
then I looked through the IGETC requirements...</p>


<p>holy cow I was short 1 unit from fullfilling that crud...
1 unit from fulfilling IGETC.
it's too late to do something now, shoot I don't know what to do...</p>

<p>the I realized that my hassles with ap european history might be worth something... it counts as TWO 3 semester unit(6units) classes. Heck, even ap government counts as 3 units.</p>

<p>now I need to dick with college board more as they can't find my score for ap euro</p>

<p>i f’ing hate collegeboard!! good luck bro…hope it all works out for ya! :)</p>

<p>Spanish 1 did not count for which area of IGETC?</p>

<p>Area 3, Group B: Humanities.</p>

<p>I’d have thought that it would. It counts for the CSU’s GE Requirements…</p>

<p>CB has been giving me a run around. I called one guy he seemed helpful said things would be taken care of and that it’d be looked into… never happened.
called two weeks later… got a name, agent ID, case number… etc. was even told that I’d be called back… week and a half later… NOTHING.</p>

<p>at this point, I’m going to be getting on a few people’s asses come this monday morning.</p>

<p>From what I understand, completing the IGETC is not a requirement. Yes, it helps if it’s completed but if it’s not, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not considered. Unlike the min UC unit requirement.</p>

<p>"IGETC is not an admission requirement. Completing it does not guarantee admission to the campus or program of choice. However, completing the lower-division breadth/general education requirements — whether through IGETC or the campus-specific requirements — may be considered by the campus in selecting among qualified applicants.</p>

<p>California community colleges may grant partial certification of IGETC to students who are missing no more than two requirements. Students submitting partial IGETC certification should complete the missing requirements at either UC or a California community college as designated by their department. Students who have been granted partial IGETC certification should not return to the community college for a full certification.</p>

<p>Students who do not complete IGETC before transferring will be required to satisfy the specific lower-division general education/breadth requirements of the UC college or school they attend. "</p>

<p>[url=<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/educators/counselors/adminfo/transfer/advising/igetc.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/educators/counselors/adminfo/transfer/advising/igetc.html]University</a> of California - Counselors<a href=“source”>/url</a></p>

<p>But I’d make sure with someone with more intimate knowledge about that.</p>

<p>I’ve already been admitted and plan to transfer next term and said I completed IGETC. Falsifying your application is reason for admission to be revoked. I’m fine, AP credit works and I’ve got it covered two times over.</p>