<p>Hi, my name is Michael and I am currently in the 11th grade. During 9th and 10th grade, I didn't do good. I goofed off and didn't take school seriously. During that time i had a GPA ranging from a 1.1-2.1. Just horrible grades. But that is before my mom switched me schools and i started to buckle down. I am now at a new school and my GPA raised. The first quarter I got a 2.9 GPA. I was soo happy. Then now, I got a 3.2. I was happy because I haven't had a GPA like that in a while. Right now the school year is about to end and my grades are even better. I have 3.5-2.6 GPA. But I have a problem. School is almost done. I start college applications early next year and I don't think that I can get into a college. Also, the SAT is a problem. I took it twice and i went to prep classes, but I still ended up getting a 1330 both times. I am scared that I cant get in to a school like Cal Poly Pomona or CSU Fullerton. Well, I am taking the ACT in 1 month and i WILL try even harder to do what I have to do to get a GREAT score. So, do I have a chance of getting into Cal Poly Pomona or CSU Fullerton? Be as brutal and truthful as you want. Thank You</p>
<p>Well upward trends are pretty good, but still, it looks sort of bleak. You never know though.
But still.</p>
<p>Remember, LOTS of people go to CC’s or their safeties and then transfer out to their dream schools. You’ve gotten more serious, and you can easily excel at CC with a much better GPA, etc. and go to your dream school.</p>
<p>So there isnt much of a chance of me going straight to Cal Poly Pomona?</p>
<p>Well you never know. Perhaps a good essay may sway the adcoms. </p>
<p>But… can’t say. CC/safety then transfering sounds… probable</p>
<p>Would you rather go straight to Cal Poly than transfer from a CC? Depending on which classes you’ve taken, I might prefer to take my time and go to a CC to do coursework that would help me in the transition to Cal Poly.</p>
<p>You seem to be in an upward trend but with your low SAT and subpar gpa, cc will be your best bet to transfer into a university after 2 years.
You still have to meet all the requirements to transfer so stay buckled down.</p>
<p>But I really dont want to get to a CC. I wanted to be able to experience a University freshman year. Well, so basically, CC is my only choice? I guess I shoulda never goofed off…</p>
<p>Be a beast on the ACT.
So take a couple of classes at your local cc, get As to help pump up your gpa.
Do you have good ECs? Leadership?
By all means, apply to those 2 schools mentioned above but don’t be too surprised if you don’t get accepted.
But CSU Fullerton is a more realistic goal.</p>
<p>Well lots of people do it, a lot because of money. A teacher of mine went to some CC and transferred to like NYU (Because Princeton and Yale sounded too boring for him, idiot).</p>
<p>He had a 3.0 GPA in high school, and then a 3.9 after college. It honestly varies…</p>
<p>The first two ish years of wherever you go are going to be the same boring intro courses. I think you can transfer out straight after your first year of CC. Most CC’s have like guidance counselors whose expertise is getting kids out of there dump and into better places. I mean try for all your reaches and then try transferring.</p>
<p>Yea I am going to BEAST the ACT. Also, is CSU Fullerton ‘easier’ to get into?</p>
<p>D’oh, thought you wanted into SLO, Cal Poly Pomona probably doable if you continue to buff up your transcript.</p>
<p>O lol. Yea Pomona. I really want to go there</p>
<p>so I have a chance of getting into Pomona? Cuz someone told me that they knew someone else that had a 4.0 GPA and didnt get in…</p>
<p>Apply to the schools you want to get into and hope for the best. The only way to guarantee not getting in is if you don’t apply at all. If it doesn’t work out, then you can always go to a CC your freshman year to get those pesky survey courses out of the way and transfer into a university. There’s no shame in that.</p>