<p>hopeful4cornell, did you read "Blink"?</p>
<p>Your words seemed to be an exact quote of it ;)</p>
<p>hopeful4cornell, did you read "Blink"?</p>
<p>Your words seemed to be an exact quote of it ;)</p>
<p>hopeful4cornell, I agree...and it's not just for guys (from what I've read.) And runningncircles, I would love some. lol</p>
<p>Sorry I've forgotten to post on this for awhile...I haven't been in the Cafe recently! :)</p>
<p>I know it's a dumb question, but is it true that drinking coffee stunts your growth?</p>
<p>^^^ I've heard that,too</p>
<p>I don't know if it's true, though</p>
<p>Ever thought that the heavy backpack you lug around in school might be responsible for stunting growth? I blame it and the school for not giving us lockers!!!! (by the way, I'm 4' 11.5"....-_-)</p>
<p>Well were<em>going</em>down_swinging Im a girl and Im 6"2. Yep six feet two inches and ever since highschool Ive wanted to shrink. Ive always been the tallest person in my class next to the guys. I was taller than ALL my friends and most of the guys in my class which made dating rather difficult. It wasnt until my mom told me that tall women have grace and poise and I shouldnt be ashamed of what I have because their are women who WISH they were as tall as me. So I say to you be proud that your short. You are amazing, you are beautiful, you are you!!!!! Be small and be proud!</p>
<p>rayj, do u feel somewhat like Sharapova? She wants to lose 2-3 inches too :D Do u have any pic of urs?</p>
<p>No Ive come to the realization that I have to be COMPLETELY comfortable in my own skin. I just cant accept bits and pieces of myself. </p>
<p>And no I dont have any pics of myself. Did you want some? ;)</p>
<p>yes... I wanted some pics.... becuz I havent dated anyone taller than me :p I am 5'10.5 :rolleyes:</p>
<p>I like girls to be 5'2
<p>I'm 5'3", and I sincerely doubt I'm going to grow any taller. And if I do, it's going to be a negligible amount. Don't worry about it. It means you can wear tall tall TALL heels without being taller than guys.</p>
<p>hanging on to bars for 5 mins a day would get u an inch or so in a few months.</p>
<p>Pills don't work, but before puberty is complete and bones fused, Human growth hormones do, or at least can. However, they are taken by shots - every day - for several years. </p>
<p>These days they are believed to be safe. In earlier years they were taken from the glands of cadavers and there were problems with them in some cases. Today they are synthesized by a number of companies (Genentic makes one I'm familiar with, nutropin). Besides making you grow taller they may (for a young male) make you more muscular and perhaps accelerate maturity.</p>
<p>The real stuff, not what you may see advertised on the web, is incredibly expensive, probably $30 -50k a year. Most health plans will not cover it except if a person is very far below the growth charts. Sometimes the companies themselves, though will supplement the costs.</p>
<p>Boys love girls and vice-versa... Height never matters :)</p>
<p>I dunno about that. I would be slightly intimidated by a girl taller than me. (As in over 6'2'')</p>
<p>I do think that some guys would be conscious about dating a woman taller than them. Of course, they are also often guys who are concerned about things like women who make more money than them and other silly stuff. </p>
<p>That real growth hormone stuff indeed is very expensive, and are only used in rare cases of serious growth defects. I know one guy from high school (also at UVA here) who had to use those as a child... luckily his medical insurance covered most of it.</p>
<p>the person who is a girl and 5'7'' and thinks shes short? r u retarted? thats medically considered tall</p>
<p>5'2'' isnt shirt either thats perfectly normal for a girl</p>
<p>i personally think its disgusting to be very tall...it makes u look crippled before its time and i dont find giants very attractive at all</p>
<p>shorter girls (5-5'6) tend to have a sexier figure...I feel :D
but tall ones r HOT too :p</p>
<p>hey shopaholic let me guess your between 5"2-5"8. Am I right? Or your height would be considered "average" or "normal" for a woman? And yeah thats all fine an dandy but lets not call anyone one crippled whos tall or someone physically impaired. As Ive stated before Im 6"2 and I happen to be a girl and sure, maybe thats not considered "average" for a woman but the good thing is I can use the top of your head as a arm rest! So lets not make stupid ignorant or maybe even jelous comments like that k? ;)</p>