I want the Chancellor's or Powers-Knapp scholarship!!!! BADLY!

<p>This is a thread for all the students who have not yet heard the news about if they have received either of these two scholarships yet or have found out that they had not been chosen. </p>

<p>I myself applied but have not heard word back yet and the wait is killing me so I would like to see if others are in my same shoes. </p>

<p>And you can post if you have received the scholarship too if you'd like (dpattzlover and Omar- i know you guys have received them ;) )</p>

<p>come on... anybody?</p>

<p>ok well, it seems as if im in this boat alone... well at least post something, like "i did make it" or "i didnt even apply to it". because so far 70 people have viewed this thread and no one has said anything :(</p>

<p>^^annabanana (because I feel badly for your thread) I'll give you a quick update.....my parents may let me accept Stanford's offer of admission tonight (!), so a spot for the Chancellor's may be opening up soon! I'll keep you posted !</p>

<p>ha ha I was so excited to see a post! thank you dpattzlover that was nice that you posted something. Thats awesome that you are going to your dream school! Thanks for keeping me posted.</p>

<p>--will you get your tuition waived at stanford?</p>

<p>has anyone heard any news yet, its getting close to may 1st and i'll have to decide soon.... I wish they would just tell me already. now i am getting angry because they should let the students know! we cant wait forever >:(</p>

<p>^So call and ask? You realize there is a very small population of UW students and UW applicants on this board, right?</p>

<p>I'm certain if you call, someone can tell you something. Although if they don't, it would be nice if they sent out rejection letters, just to let everyone know.</p>

<p>Anna, not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but I doubt you got it. I know that this is disappointing and it's kind of rude on the part of Madison to just ignore you, but you should either call or go on making your decision assuming you haven't got the scholarship.....sorry!</p>

<p>Good luck! :D!</p>

<p>yea i am pretty positive i didnt get it and i figured that awhile ago, im just angry that the rejection letters are taking so long to get out. Because i did call a few weeks ago and they said they would let people know if they didnt get the scholarship. I just wanna be positive. </p>

<p>And i dont know if i can ask them to look up my name on their list, even though i probably didnt get it, I just want them to tell me already.</p>

<p>on thursday i got a call but i missed it and she left a messege saying who she was and saying she looks foward to talking with me. She asked me to call back but she did not answer. But she did say in her messege that she would call early next weak after probably because of the holiday. I cant sleep because im so excited and i am hoping i am getting either one of the scholarships.</p>

<p>thats so exciting soccervictor5! i am so happy for you! keep me posted to what happens!!</p>

<p>well it is 4 years later but does anyone know how mny Chancellor and power knapp schoalrships are rewarded? and does living in Minnesota increase my chances? I just want any kind of stats on this scholarship and exactly how competitive it is. Thanks</p>

<p>Did you apply? What are your stats?</p>

<p>Eligibility: </p>

<p>1.Demonstrate outstanding academic performance (3.0/4.0 GPA or higher in academic units)
2.Plan to enroll as a new freshman in the fall following graduation from high school
3.Be a member of one of the following groups:
a. African American
b. Native American
c. Hispanic/Latino
d. Southeast Asian (Cambodian, Hmong, Laotian, or Vietnamese)
e. Educationally/culturally disadvantaged
4.Be a U.S. citizen</p>

Another year gone by, @soccervictor5, @williamfenelon and @annabanana, I hope you got the scholarship and are doing well at Madison. According to previous posts, the office staff called the applicants individually, so it would take a while for them to call all the chosen ones. My guess is they only call students who got the scholarship and mail the regret letters. @Madison85, your thought?