Chancellor's Scholarship Program and Powers-Knapp Scholarship

Hey guys,
Have any of you applied to the Chancellor’s Scholarship Program and Powers-Knapp Scholarship? I’ve been waiting, and I am a bit anxious because I don’t know when they’ll let us know.

I did and read on a really old thread that past years have found out in April.

@lilybeebadger I have been doing the same. Hopefully we get an answer sometime soon. Let me know how it goes and good luck!!

I did! Hopefully they’ll start calling out soon

I also applied to the Chancellor and Powers-Knapp scholarships! What’s your guys stats? I was told they give the scholarships based on academic merit. Around 130 people win one and over 600 people applied this year @carolta01 @iloveuwmandum

Yikes! Then it’ll be highly unlikely that I’ll get it.

new SAT: 1250 (1290 superscored but I don’t think that matters)
UW GPA: 3.59
W GPA: 5.8 (super inflated)

I was surprised that I got accepted into the school. Hopefully the program will take a leap of faith with me too. :confused:

Also out of the 600, I’m sure there were people that have been denied or waitlisted so who knows!

@carolta01 Yeah, I’m trying to stay positive and hope I get a call.

And my stats aren’t too great, but here you go @audrella

Weighted GPA: 3.7

ACT Compostite: 25

Extracurriculars: Student government, engineering, activism, a summer course at Stanford, and a couple others that aren’t very important like baking lol

Community service: 80 hours

AP classes: AP US Government, AP Bio, AP Language and Composition, AP Spanish, AP Calc, AP Lit, AP Comparative Politics

I really wish the best for all of you and maybe we can be part of the program together and attend Madison! :))

Ya I’m really hoping for the best as well because I will not be able to attend UW-Madison without this scholarship.
Here’s my stats:
ACT Composite= 30
Weighted GPA 3.79
Unweighted GPA= 3.7
3 AP classes and 7 dual-enrolled college classes
Over 10 extracurriculars which include a varsity sport and 160+ volunteer hours
I wish the best for both as you as well!! @iloveuwmandum @carolta01

Nice! And thanks :slight_smile: @audrella

I also applied and I have two friends that also applied :stuck_out_tongue:

My stats are:

ACT: 26
GPA: 3.91
AP: Overall in high school, I took 6 out of the 9 available AP classes offered.
Extracurriculars: I have a lot. NHS, Student Council, Badger State, Yearbook editor, newspaper, tennis manager, DECA, international club, forensics, orchestra, best buddies, mentoring, and was active in theater. I also have lots of volunteering hours up my sleeve.

I did have very unique and interesting essays, so I hope those will help me stand out.

Very impressive @aimlesswriter
Good luck!

@iloveuwmandum Haha, thank you! My numbers are pretty unimpressive, but let’s hope my essays will give me a boost. :slight_smile:

Just got the call telling me that I got the Chancellor’s Scholarship, so hopefully you guys start hearing back soon!

What are your stats? @ThePlatinum and are you in state or out of state??

@audrella I’m in state
Here are my stats:
ACT Composite= 32
Weighted GPA 4.646
Unweighted GPA= 4.0
Full IB Candidate, Track and Soccer Varsity, NHS, Tutoring for volunteering, DECA, some other stuff

That’s amazing! Congrats =D> @ThePlatinum

@ThePlatinum I hear they notify people by the first letter of your last name. If I may ask, what’s the first letter of your last name?

I also applied and now I’m even more nervous since calls have begun. I tried to finesse my essays, but I’m not too sure how that turned out.

My Stats: (OOS)

Weighted GPA: 3.9
New SAT: 1310
AP Classes: AP Chem, AP Lang, and AP Physics 1
Honors: Spanish 4-6
Extracurriculars: Monitor/tutor, Big Sister (mentor and tutor), SING competition Hip Hop Dancer, Model Congress, Youth Leadership Academy, Brooklyn Student Advisory Council, Chancellor’s student advisory council.
Volunteer: 600+ hours at local zoo and shelter. Also, 30 hours abroad (turtle conservation), Project KISS (volunteer and model).

I wish the best of luck to everybody!!! And hopefully get to meet you guys :slight_smile: (Btw congrats @ThePlatinum !! )

My last name starts with N @aimlesswriter

@ThePlatinum Are you in state? (Also, grats to you!)