I want to have fun, but...i need help

<p>I can't seem to open myself to be wild. I had been through parties, but everywhere I look everyone is either having fun or drinking. I want to join in the action, but can't get myself involve to wild activities because I'm either too shy or scare to do anything. When a girl was ( I think) staring me or try to dance with me, i choked and didn't move that much :( lol. So CCC, how can I get myself to have fun and let myself go?</p>

<p>PS: I'm not really a party animal, but once a while I want to be like myself and "unleash the beast" in me.</p>

<p>Alcohol (10 char)</p>

<p>:( No one is going to really care about what you do. Loosen up.</p>

<p>I’ll second Alcohol as the solution.</p>

<p>I’ll third it. Go for it! Don’t binge though.</p>

<p>Just do it, if it doesn’t work out, atleast you won’t regret not trying.</p>

<p>As drunk Brian in Family Guy said, “Lighten up, toots. It’s a party!”</p>

<p>So, basically, don’t worry. If they’re drunk, they won’t remember your silly antics. :)</p>

<p>you can actually get into parties and have girls actually want to dance at you?!
<em>jealous</em> so what’s the problem? my advice: chances are you’ll never see her again, so don’t worry about making a fool of yourself too much. unless it ends up online. then you’re ****ed</p>

<p>If you’re really not having fun, you just might not be a party person. Oh, try going with your friends, that helps loosening things up.</p>

<p>Get naked at a party. It’s kinda a sink or swim method of having fun (it always works for me).</p>

<p>^ pics or it didn’t happen</p>

<p>tequila tends to make clothes fall off…</p>

<p>haha, i love everyone answer! I haven’t drink yet, except being buzz. I think I should go for it and maybe I might end up in bed with someone I don’t know. :Sigh: college experience, life to won’t forget lol.</p>

<p>^ whoa be careful there, beer goggles can make it hard to determine gender…</p>

<p>Whatever you do, don’t call your ex girlfriend who you haven’t talked to in the past 2 months at 3am and tell her that you can’t stop thinking about her and you think her cheating on you with her current boyfriend wasn’t that big of a deal (even though it totally was) and she should leave him to come back to you and you have gotten a lot better at satisfying women since then and will try to have more meaningful conversations with her in the future. In fact, it’s probably just a good idea not to call anybody while you’re at a party.</p>

<p>shot glasses and mirrors</p>

<p>Alcohol does lighten you up. Just know that a few drinks can go a long way for a lightweight, don’t binge too much early on.</p>

<p>Just be spontaneous and don’t let your fear get in the way of having fun. You don’t have to drink to have fun, and if you do get drunk you might regret it later.</p>