<p>But I have no clue how to do it and I don't think my college is offering it. I'm really dumb and naive when it comes to this topic. I just want to get the hell out of here and absorb another culture, and Sweden seems like a good place to go. I know this stuff is usually insanely pricey but I have no money. Are there programs I can go into? Like exchange programs? Aren't they cheaper? Besides talking to my study abroad office, what are some cheap ways to do this? I don't care if I sound like a moron, just somebody get me out of here. Please, even if it's not Sweden.</p>
<p>Well, Sweden is an extremely expensive country to live in. You might look to countries with lower cost-of-living, perhaps Eastern Europe?</p>
<p>Check your college first for what it does offer, then check other colleges in your area to see if they have study abroad programs.</p>
<p>The University of Minnesota Duluth offers a nice study abroad program in Sweden.</p>
<p>Exchange</a> in Sweden</p>
<p>So does Seattle University</p>
<p>Seattle</a> University - Education Abroad - Sweden</p>
<p>So does the University of Washington</p>
<p>Not sure if this helps, but anyone can go to university in Sweden for free, no matter where they're from. </p>
<p>There's even one university I was looking at that lets you take a year of Swedish studies for free, then you can enroll there officially and get your degree in 4 years... still free. </p>
<p>Yeah. sounds pretty freaking cool. I'm not sure how it would work to go as an exchange student, though.</p>
<p>I visited Sweden this past summer- Stockholm and Uppsala, and I really understand why you want to go there. I loved the place, also, do you speak any Swedish? You should learn and will if you go there. However, English is a compulsory subject for all Swedish children from the age of 7. Nearly everyone I spoke to spoke decent or better English.</p>
<p>Are you interested in studying for semester or summer? I was interested in studying during the summer. Currently I am looking at UISS (uiss.org)</p>
<p>Hey, so I'm back. Basically I inquired with my school's study abroad office, but the way they made it seem, I wasn't going to be getting ANY financial aid. Basically, they hinted it would be a few thousand out of my pocket, plus some loans maybe- in other words, it would cost me more than a semester at my school (obviously), but I pretty much am covered through financial aid for that.</p>
<p>In other words, I'm poor, and I gave them an official inquiry letter, hoping they would contact me with...I don't know, some sort of hope. But basically I need money. I could raise money for airfare and some living expenses, but that's about it.</p>
<p>Anyway, if anyone from Sweden wants to um, trade places, give me a heads up. Or if someone knows how I can sneak into Sweden for a semester drop me a line. Or if you have some money that's bothering you, and you need to get rid of it.</p>
<p>That's ridiculous that they want to charge you. Tuition in Norway and Sweden is free. You shouldn't pay any more than about $300USD to $400USF a year to study there. You can also get a part-time job on a student visa.</p>
<p>If you are eligible for a Pell Grant, apply for the Gilman Scholarship (which is $5000). Gilman likes students that go to state unis and study abroad to non-traditional places.</p>
<p>I would love to do a Study Abroad in Sweden, How the heck can it be free to go to school there, especially if your a foreigner? The programs alone I have looked into are $11,000+ US for a academic year. This interest me as I would love to get a degree focusing on Scandinavian Studies.</p>
<p>Well you won't have to pay study fees in Sweden. Although living doesn't come particularly cheap.</p>
<p>Also, having a couple of mates from there, it seems that plenty of people choose Sweden to study abroad... and they'll be as welcomed as anywhere.</p>
<p>This gives a pretty useful overview, along with an idea of how much it will cost, the quality of education, etc.... QS</a> Top Universities: Study abroad in Sweden</p>
<p>I can't find the link anymore but last night I read somewhere that this is the last international students and study in Sweden for free. Starting next year if your not a citizen you are going to have to pay study fee's.</p>
<p>theyre worth it. Sweden has amazing scenery...if you know what I'm getting at ;)</p>
<p>Hey- I’m back.</p>
<p>Well, I didn’t do the Gilmour scholarship because I want to aim to try a summer program, which they do not offer. Here’s the thing- and this might be crazy talk but- is there such thing as internships abroad? I’m supposed to do my internship this summer and I’d love to find a way to apply this abroad. If not I can still take classes- but my major is digital filmmaking so it’s not very broad…very specialized.</p>
<p>sorry to be a broken record that seems to not be trying much- I’ve been looking at a lot of werbsites and this is all making my head spin. I can’t get any co-op with my study abroad office so any time I can’t understand something I’m left on my own. I recently emailed the Swedish embassy here in the U.S. for some answers.</p>
<p>But the bottom line is of course money and housing. I can save up for a plane ticket and some living costs, but not more than a couple (and I mean COUPLE) of thousand realistically. Every program I’ve seen is indeed around 10,000 with living expenses and housing and such. arrgh.</p>
<p>If I can’t afford Sweden, can anyone give me some recs? I’m basically poor. But I want to get out of here for a few months while I’m still a student and have a better shot at it! I’ll take London, Spain (is Barcelona cheap), Iceland, France, Japan. I know I’m not unique here but I’m awful at this stuff.</p>
<p>Just google “study abroad summer internships” check out a few sites and then come back and ask specifics.</p>
<p>The reason school in sweden is basically free is that you get taxed 30-45% on just about everything.</p>
<p>hey , Im a student from tunisia, 20 years old. Holder of a baccalaureat degre( a level) section art. Used to to study in England at London metropolitan university in which i got a completation certificat in english. Speak french, english, arabic and spanish. Looking for an undergraduate scholarship in the tourism field at any univeristy in Sweden. I would be so glad if you could help me to attend my goal to Study in sweden.</p>
<p>nour - From a quick search on [Study</a> in Sweden ? SWEDEN.SE](<a href=“http://www.studyinsweden.se%5DStudy”>http://www.studyinsweden.se) i can only see one undergraduate degree in the tourism field thats taught in English. International Tourism Management at Dalarna University. Not sure if there are any scholarships available, your best bet is to visit their website and email them.</p>
<p>[International</a> Tourism Management - Högskolan Dalarna](<a href=“http://www.du.se/en/Education/Programmes/International-Tourism-Management]International”>http://www.du.se/en/Education/Programmes/International-Tourism-Management)</p>
<p>I am also looking for any and all helpful information/affordable ways to study abroad there. I live in MI and am looking to study abroad in Sweden for at least a year. I am very interested and serious about this but am completely new to it and naive. Any help is SOOOOO appreciated as well as advice or stories. I am looking to go to Uppsala.</p>