I was forced to ED. I love the school but i dont like one big part of it. Any consolation?

Again, OP, ask your counselor to intervene. That takes it out of your hands, and you arent being deceptive if that is what is making you uncomfortable. Ethically it is the right thing to do. If you aren’t willing to at least try doing that, then maybe you subconsciously are okay with Lehigh?

Ask Lehigh to put you in the RD pool

No offense, but you’re the one applying to college, not your dad. Your accomplishments got you to this point. Your happiness in college seriously affects how successful and motivated you are to keep pushing for success. Reason with him and tell him exactly how you feel. College is a life-changing experience for YOU. Make it worthwhile. Good luck.

hi @blueguy99

this will probably be a really unpopular opinion but here goes …

it sounds like your dad is willing to pay full price for Lehigh if you get in ED, and either Tulane or Lehigh if you get in RD. is this correct?

if so, then go to Lehigh ED, and if you are deferred then take a few more weeks to decide between Lehigh and Tulane.

and be thankful that you have a dad who is willing to pay full freight for a great education – and here’s the kicker – AT A SCHOOL YOU LOVE.

i mean, that’s what your headline says, right? “I love the school.” it just sounds like the weather issue might cause you to love Tulane a little better, but he’s holding the purse strings, so he does have some input here. and he seems to strongly prefer Lehigh, although he will pony up for Tulane if you don’t get in ED for Lehigh.

i believe you’re overthinking it. your dad has the $$$, so he has a lot of say in this, but you already admitted that you love both Lehigh and Tulane. you’re in a very good position. don’t spoil a good thing by playing “what if?” over and over in your mind. don’t jerk your very generous dad over by going behind his back and sabotaging your ED application. that is a horrible idea. and if you get into Lehigh ED, then love the school, your new college friends, and your time there so much that you never even notice the weather.

PS - i would imagine Tulane would be super hot, humid and nasty in the warm months. maybe you wouldn’t mind that but it would drive me nuts. i would much prefer a cooler climate over that. but YMMV.

I, for one, cannot bear long, dreary winters. Spent way too many winters in the Midwest and would never do it again barring some major unforeseen circumstance. My northeastern born and raised husband feels exactly the same. We love Florida, even with the long, humid summers. So I get it.

Even though it’s tough, my preference would be to be forthright with your dad, and with Lehigh (ask them to switch you to RD if it’s still possible). Yes, there may be some negative consequences. That is how grown up life works. You are going to have to calculate how valuable your dad’s opinion/financing is to your college choice. Only you can figure that out.

Best wishes, and I completely empathize.

If you ask Lehigh to switch you from ED to RD, you will likely get rejected. Lehigh is known to reject those who it does not think will attend. I know of students who were admitted to Cornell and other more selective schools who got rejected by Lehigh. If you don’t show strong interest, no matter how qualified you are likely get rejected.

i cannot understand why your parents would make you apply early anywhere – that is crazy . this is your life – you need to talk with your parents and try to make them see how misguided this decision is – and then together you call the school and remove your application – I am really sorry you find yourself in this situation…

Thanks for all the differing opinions and consolations guys. As much as I love Tulane and its weather, I do really love Lehigh despite its weather and i’ve lived here my whole life, whats another four? Ill study abroad somewhere like Australia asap like second semester of sophomore year. I’m still crossing my fingers for a rejection or a deferral but I don’t hate Lehigh enough to go behind my parents back when they will be paying for a great college education. One big reason winter weather is such a big deal for me is because I run winter track and obviously practicing outside can be miserable. Atleast at Lehigh, I can take advantage of the treadmills and stuff in Taylor gym. Its gonna be ok I think!

With that attitude you will be fine wherever you end up. You can’t go wrong with either Lehigh or Tulane. Best wishes moving forward.

Sounds like you’re being bullied. Does your mom have an opinion about this? Maybe she can advocate for you if she is more open minded. I would love to know why your dad insisted on you and your twin going to the same school and why he wanted you to ED a school that wasn’t your first choice. That said, you have a good attitude, and you’ll be fine wherever you go.

Let us know if you get in !

I did get in if anyone was wondering. Lehigh 2021! I was really excited about it too. Guess ill survive haha

Congratulations! Enjoy the school with that good attitude! You’ll do great.

Lehigh is a great school and I’m especially glad that you were excited about your acceptance. Time to celebrate. … buy a hoodie…enjoy the rest of your senior year…and have a wonderful college experience.

Glad you’re excited :slight_smile:
Lehigh is a great school - and it’s really hard to get in!
What about our sibling?

He’s in too! @MYOS1634

Glad to hear it worked out. I loved my 4 years there. Plus, there’s something to be said for being ABLE to visit your home on break. Good luck and enjoy!