I was watching Slumdog Millionaire...

<p>and I liked the soundtrack, so I looked up the artist and, whoa!</p>

<p>AR Rahman!</p>

<p>Anyone who took the December ACT would know him and the background of his music.</p>

<p>Who thought that Paper Planes by MIA involved AR Rahman as well? Haha, thanks ACT for the interesting background information xD.</p>

<p>Bollywood, haha. I remember that passage.</p>

<p>He has a page on iTunes where you can download all of his favorite songs.</p>

<p>indians are bringing real music back ;)</p>

<p>Don’t remind me…</p>

<p>haha oh the cursed reading passage lol
I did pretty bad on that passage =/</p>

<p>well, i knew abt all of them so well, that i didn’t even hv to read the passage…saved me bunch of time…thanks act for that passage! although it distracted me other ways though…haha.</p>