<p>I was awesome in high school..now in college..pretty average :(.</p>
<p>true but probably not at the best do you by any chance attend:[College</a> Search - University of Guam - UOG - At a Glance](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board)</p>
<p>LMAOOO. Really?</p>
<p>In the words of one of my friends,
“I was told high school would be the best time of my life. If this is the best time, I should go commit suicide here and now.”</p>
<p>I thought college was the best time of one’s life?
dear OP, can you elaborate your story more? do you mean awesome as in popular? or smart?</p>
<p>College is better than high school. More freedom.
It’s awesome what difference it makes to be treated like an adult, yet to have little responsibilities.</p>
<p>I personally can’t wait until I got to college this fall. I hate high school.</p>
<p>I love high school, it has definetely been a fun 4 years for me and im gonna be sad to leave all old friends, but college is gonna be even betterrr</p>
<p>What Alexander said.</p>
<p>Smartness, mostly; Popularity too, and the amount of attention you get from teachers/professors. </p>
<p>High school was just so carefree…</p>
<p>“High school was just so carefree…”</p>
<p>…Have you ever READ any of the threads on this site? CC was founded by people who had a dream - a dream that ambitious high school students could abandon their social lives, their senses of perspective and their personal health in favor of week-long overnighter marathons, caffeine by the truckload, AP Biology problems and APUSH projects 24-7, researching their ancestors in-depth in the pursuit of that elusive 1/16th Native American status, and practicing essay writing to perfect the art of appearing to not be everything that CC embodies. </p>
<p>Carefree. And you dare to set foot in this site.</p>
<p>“a dream that ambitious high school students could abandon their social lives,”</p>
<p>That is implying that they had social lives to begin with :)</p>
<p>Yes, well for some people high school does seem carefree because they tend to remember the fun they had there rather than have flashbacks about consuming caffeine by the truckload.</p>
<p>I go to this program where we finish the last two years of high school with the first two years of college, and I miss high school at certain times too. Even though high school may have been a bit more intense, I miss the friends, not living in a small dorm, not living on the fringes of civilization, and a lot more.</p>
<p>…is it bad that I read the title of this thread and my first thought was “‘was’, not ‘were’”?</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m lame.</p>
<p>I know I am going to miss HS. I was one of those caffeine by the truckload kids, and it will not be one of the most fun parts of my life by any means, but when its over, its over. There is no going back, no re do’s, that part of your life dies. I am looking forward to get the hell out of town, but I know Ill still remember those precious few magical moments. Im a 2nd sem sr now, and im taking in all I can get, because this is my last gasp before I leave for good.</p>
<p>I’m in college and I’m glad I’m not smart anymore. It means people actually want to get to know me as a person instead of gawking at how smart I am.</p>
<p>I love high school, but I can’t wait for college anymore.</p>
<p>I hate high school. Can’t wait to move!</p>
<p>I can’t wait until high school is over. I have no social life and no prospect of one because I didn’t go to the same elementary/middle school as 95% of my classmates and I’m not the most outgoing person.</p>