I would like to know about these colleges

<p>So my scores are not competitive, they are avg, my sat is 550 for each section and junior year i took a honors class i thought i could handle, but it brought my gpa down instead. i have a 3.19-3.2...so as a freshman i took 1 honors class, junior year i took 4, and this year (senior) im doing 2 APs and im self-studying 1 AP...my EC's include volunteering and music (i have more but not going into to much detail haha)
I am anticipating a ~3.3/3.4 gpa this year
My high school is public but it is ranked #1, #2 in the state..so it is a competitive high school, more rigorous then other public high schools, our regular classes is equvalent to an honors class of another high school </p>

<p>But i was wondering about
CUNY (Hunter, Baruch, Staten Island the City College of NY)
Wagner College
UMass Amherst</p>

<p>I was also wondering about the 2+2 Program for Penn. State.
- How competitive is it to get into the satelite schools?</p>

<p>Also - is it possible to go to a CUNY (or any other school) for 1 year then transfer into NYU?
- If so, is the transfer process competitive ? What is it like ?
THANK YOU (:</p>

<p>Try posting this in the College Search section rather than the SAT/ACT forum.</p>

<p>Colleges don’t care how rigorous your schools classes are. So that factor is irrelevant, but wrong section</p>

<p>I think if a school was well-known as being strong and producing good students, that would in fact help the applicant in the admissions process…</p>

<p>If your hs is ranked that high, doubtless the regional adcoms know about it. That might play a slight role in the admissions process but don’t count on it.</p>

<p>Not too sure about those schools so I can’t comment.</p>