IB business or Eco?

<p>I'm starting IB this fall, I don't know if I should take business and Eco or just one of them. However I've heard business is not liked by many universities in the UK and the US, I would mostly be attending uni in the US, so i would appreciate it if anybody could help me decide which one to take? So far I was thinking:
Eng HL
Eco HL
Business/Bio HL
Math SL
Spanish SL
Business/Bio SL</p>

<p>Or should I completely drop business and take history or psych at HL? I have no passion for any science however I like bio the most so I'll be taking that, mostly at SL.
Thanks guys! :)</p>

<p>Business and Economics are fairly similar in IB and I have also heard about UK universities frowning down on Business.
Do you have any idea of what you want to do in university? Because I believe this would depend on passion.
Are you passionate about History or Psych or Business?</p>

<p>@Encord I want to major in finance and maybe like a part-time Business Administration. I wouldn’t mind Psych though, but I have absolutely no clue what its about. I do not like history at all, its too much memorising. What if i took business at SL? Like I know i don’t want to do it HL because its considered a soft subject…
Are you doing the IB too? :)</p>

<p>Yes… I am actually going to IB2 next semester.
Well if you don’t like history don’t do…because it will take a lot of remember all the facts and names. For psych, I also have no clue what it’s about…but I reckon you check the psych syllabus guide here>>> <a href=“http://www.ncbis.net/Editor/EditorImages/Psychology.pdf”>http://www.ncbis.net/Editor/EditorImages/Psychology.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I don’t think it would be so bad doing business sl if you have economics at hl. But depending on where you’d want to study, I’d advise to check the individual sites before making a decision. For example I know Penn emphasizes that it’s most advisable for applicants to the Wharton school have math at hl… So yeah, do some digging around before you pick your subjects…especially if you’re looking at some of those highly selective schools.
Apart from that, I’m sure your combo is fine!! Just enjoy IB :)</p>

<p>@Encord‌ thanks for the link, I’ll check it out!
What subjects have you taken?</p>

<p>I do
Math HL
Chem HL
Bio HL
Econs SL
Spanish ab
English sl</p>