Business SL or History of Americas HL

<p>I'm a rising senior IB diploma student that sadly just found out Psych SL will not be offered next year at my high school. I need to choose between Business SL or History of Americas HL. I think I may major in business in college so thought to explore this subject now. I also want to apply to some competitive schools, so wonder if History HL is better. My counselor said that I wouldn't have to take the History HL exam, since I already have enough HL classes and took the 20th Century History SL exam this May. Any input would be welcome! Thanks!</p>

<p>Senior Year:</p>

<p>English HL
Biology HL
French HL
Art HL
Business SL or History of Americas HL
AP Calc/IB Math SL

<p>Junior Year:</p>

<p>English HL
Biology HL
French HL
Art HL
20th Century History SL
Honors Chemistry & Physics</p>

<p>I’d take the class your more interested in. I’d recommend you take business though because as you said it’s better you explore now. I always thought I’d enjoy business/economics and always had my heart set on a business related career since like the 7th grade but man was I wrong. After completing my economics course this year (10th grade) I absolutely despise economics and will never ever consider majoring in anything business related. So, take business so you have a good idea of whether or not it’s the thing for you before majoring in it and ending up loathing it.</p>

<p>Plus, you’ve already taken history so why just repeat it when you could be using your time actively by studying a new subject that interests you? </p>

<p>Thanks, pink, for the reply! I told my counselor to sign me up for business for the same reason that you mention. I’m looking forward to trying something new. I talked to a current student too, and they mentioned the class participated in DECA this past year, so I thought that would be even more business exposure. I hope you find your next passion/direction, if you haven’t already. So many choices! :)</p>

<p>No problem! That exposure will certainly be great for you. I honestly don’t think i’ll ever find out whilst I’m in high school unfortunately. But I do know that i’d love to go into something maths/biology/chemistry related. </p>