IB grades - US colleges

hey everyone,

Does anyone know how IB grades are converted to GPA for the purpose of US college admissions? I mean do universities only care about the final grades you get at the IB exams or do they also count the “internal” grades that schools give (i.e. grades that do not really ‘count’)? Just wondering since no one that I have talked to seems to know how GPA is calculated from the IB-system…

They don’t. They need to know your official predicted scores and if you attend a non US School that doesn’t have a GPA, you don’t have to make up one. They’ll use your predicted -24, 30, 38, whatever, as an indication, not the intermediate/internal assessments.
Same thing I’d you did GCSEs or iGCSEs.

If your school doesnt work with GPA, be sure to send your transcript. It is not a good idea to have to rely 100% on IB grades. A lot of times predicted grades are quite different from the ‘real deal’.
A lot of universities will never ask you for final IB grades so be sure to get good grades for your transcript and ACTs or SATs, those are what really matters.

No conversion to GPA - US colleges understand the IB and understand what a 28 is vs. a 42.

My daughter’s school had “official predicteds” at the beginning of senior year. They were updated at the end of the first trimester. An official list of her predictes is sent to colleges along with her transcript.