IB info? What are my chances?

hello, I am a rising junior who goes to a non-IB school. there is an IB school about 30 minutes away from me and a shuttle comes to my school that takes those going to the IB school there everyday, if you are accepted.
my ONLY reason for considering IB is because my school has gone down the gutter. there is no rigor, almost every teacher has left. we do not offer any of the classes that I have signed up for.

the classes I have taken so far in high school (and my grades):
French 1 - A
AP human geo - B
Bio Honors - C+
English 1 Honors - B
Algebra 1 - A

Geometry Honors - C
Intro to Info Tech - A
AP World Hist. - A
Chem Honors - A
AP Psych - B
English 2 Honors - A

(French 2 this summer)

cumulative GPA: 3.25 UW, 3.6 W

my question about IB is: since I have never taken it, will they put me in pre-IB? also, would I have to retake many of the classes I’ve already completed since they were not IB classes? can someone please explain this to me?? also what is SL vs. HL? Do you think I could take any of those courses in junior year?
also, do you think I’ll be able to get into the IB program?

bump? I’ve just contacted the IB assistant principal

You’ll definitely need to get precise answers from the school. But my understanding is true IB begins in 11th grade. To be a diploma candidate you’ll need to take 3 HL classes. Many classes last 2 years, like your science, math, foreign language. You’ll also take extended essay and TOK. To get a shot at your diploma, you’ll work your but off, but some schools offer the opportunity to just take IB classes in the area of the student’s strength.

Look into it. The 30 minute bus ride would be worth it.

IB DP starts in 11th grade and the difficulty of admission to the program varies by school. For mine we just had to submit a personal statement and a transcript. You wouldn’t need to retake any courses but depending on the IB math courses the school offers, you may behind with being in Geometry. HL and SL are different types of exams essentially. HL courses are supposedly harder and you can only take 4 classes HL, typically classes you are interested/good in because the exam is harder but the courses tend to be the same. You can often get college credit for the HL courses but not typically SL. Hope that helps!