IB Questions as a sophmore

The IB program has a list of courses that has me confused and I have a lot of questions.

First, I need 3 HL classes and something that is really not helping me is the course title “IB/HN” or IB/Honors.

So lets say I take precalc as a junior, thats precalc IB/HN, does that count as HL or SL?

If there is World History SL and World History IB/HN, would IB/HN count as HL or SL?

Those 2 questions make me ask does the difficulty of IB/HN vary per the subject?

If I double up on science next year and take two SL sciences, and take the second year courses for the 2 classes at the HL level, would I only be able to take 2 other HL classes in the rest of the subjects because of the 4HL limit? Basically does the 4HL limit apply to second year courses?

The HL or second year requirement for sciences at my school is either the IB-SL course or the AP course. Only some sciences are IB-SL/AP. Am I allowed to do the IB program if I take AP sciences and then the HL second year course. If not, am I allowed to take an IB-SL/AP class for one science, fulfilling my science requirement, and an AP science as another. To do this I would not take an IB Art, I know you are allowed to skip IB Art and replace it with something else. Are you allowed to replace IB-Art with a non-IB course?

Why do they try separate IB and AP as much as possible? I don’t know if I value an IB dipolma or AP credit more, and I don’t want to choose now.

Thank you!

Any insight or advice will help.

At my kids school IB/Honors are courses that have both IB and non-IB students in them. They combined honors physics and first year IB physics because the content is mostly the same. Generally the 3/4 HL and 3 SL is more about the level of test you choose and not level of the class. You can take an HL math class but still test SL. Usually to test HL you have to take the course two years, so year 1 might be called SL and year 2 HL, but again you can still test at either level. AP science won’t help you with the diploma. I am not certain but I think both years of your required science must be IB courses, but you can self study the extra material and take the AP test. You can do an AP course if you can fit it in with your 6 IB subjects.


My school makes sure you take a class before the test, I am pretty sure…

My school has Calc HL as a one year course :(.

Thanks for informing me about AP science not helping me.

Cal HL is a one year course everywhere. Most students at my kids school take Cal SL in year one and Cal HL in year 2. But IB math is different from IB science in that IB students who are strong in math can take AP Calc instead of Calc SL, before going into Calc HL. I don’t think other schools do it this way.

My school titles classes the exact same way, so I think I can help you.

We have IB/HN Pre-Calc, and even though it’s called “IB” it’s not SL or HL, it’s just preparing you for the math you can take next year which you can do SL or HL.

We don’t have World History SL at my school, but we do have IB World History at my school. What this means is that you take IB World History, but don’t take the IB test until taking IB-HL European History senior year, and that test is on World and European History. My school only offers HL history, but I’m guessing that IB-SL World History at your school teaches you half of what would be on the IB-HL senior year test.