IB major confusion

<p>I'm very confused by the IB major website
what are the requirements to declare IB?
what are the reqs to graduate with an IB major?</p>

<p>If somebody can help clarify, i would be grateful.</p>


<p>To declare IB, you need 6 of 8 prereqs. Most IB majors declare, their junior year</p>

<p>The 8 prereqs are:
Math 16A
Chem 1A, 3A/L, 3B/L (3BL is not required to declare but is required to graduate IB)
Biology 1A/L, 1B
Physics 8A-B (7A-B is allowed)</p>

<p>Courses you AP out of can count as your 6/8 prereqs.</p>

<p>Upper-division-wise, you need:
-at least one course from each three IB areas ([Undergraduate</a> Courses](<a href=“http://ib.berkeley.edu/student/courses/lists/undergrad.php]Undergraduate”>http://ib.berkeley.edu/student/courses/lists/undergrad.php))
-one genetics class
-two courses that are lec/lab or lec/fld or lec/lab/fld
(A course cannot be used to fulfill multiple requirements)</p>

<p>you must accumulate at least 26 units of IB upper-division classes, if not you need to take additional IB UDs until you reach 26 units. Most IB majors end up taking seven IB UDs total.</p>

<p>I am an IB/Latin double major, undeclared, who is eventually going to be drafted as an IB peer adviser. In the beginning the IB major looked rather confusing, but that is what you get for having a very free-choice major.</p>

<p>[Requirements</a> for UCB students admitted as freshmen](<a href=“http://ib.berkeley.edu/student/undergrad/major/freshman.php]Requirements”>http://ib.berkeley.edu/student/undergrad/major/freshman.php)</p>

<p>Hey leftist, I also have a question about IB</p>

<p>Which concentrations/emphasis will run you into a whole bunch of premeds, and which ones are more laid back?</p>

<p>can you minor in IB? and what are the req’s for it?</p>

<p>you can’t minor in IB or minor in MCB. The only bio minors are Bioengineering in CoE and Conservation and Resource Studies (CRS), Environmental Economics & Policy (EEP), Forestry and Natural Resources (FNR), Nutritional Sciences (NS), and Toxicology in CNR.</p>

<p>oh… ok thanks</p>

<p>What courses have a really tough reputation? And of the genetics requirement courses–which would you argue is the easiest?</p>