IB Math HL with Pamoja?

Hello, I was wondering if anyone has experience with taking IB Math HL online through Pamoja.
The only IB math classes my school has are Math SL and Math Studies SL. I am currently a sophomore taking Honors Precal. Junior year, I will be taking AP Calculus AB, then IB Math SL senior year. The teacher is pretty good, but he assigns a lot of unnecessary homework, and the class is not the brightest.
I really wish we had a higher level of math, as I am planning on majoring in astrophysics or something similar, and a strong math background is needed. I am hoping to apply to competitive colleges, and I’m worried that with the math my school offers, I won’t be taken seriously.
Right now, I am wondering if taking Math HL through Pamoja might be a good option, I could take a higher level course and be taking it with people who, like me, are willing to put in the time and effort to understand the material. The idea of taking a class online sounds really cool and convenient, but I am definitely confused as to how an online math class would work. It seems strange, as I am used to doing all my work on paper and turning that in.
Does anyone have advice for what I should do, and any input as to how the Pamoja classes are?
Additionally, does anyone have experience with the Pamoja scholarships? Are they hard to get? A scholarship is the only way it would be possible for me to take the class.
Thank you so much for reading all of this! Any advice is welcome!!!

DON’T DO IT! Kids at my school struggle so much in it. They are all miserable taking their exams right now. But that it is bc they r not AMAZING in math. If you are very affluent in math then go for it. If you are the type of student who likes asking teachers for help etc this is not for you. You should be VERY good in math, or it should be your best subject if you want to perform well because if not you put your diploma in jeopardy…I kid you not the kids in my grade are so miserable taking this class. They typically score 2s and 3s…and they were known as the kids who were really good in math at one point

Mathematics is linear and exact. Given your stated mathematical background and planned courses, you should be well-equipped to take Mathematics HL. I would say that you should ask your school if this can be done.

@salmerks Thank you for your advice! This definitely has made me wary of taking it given that my other HL’s are going to be difficult classes. I’m most likely going to end up sticking with SL.

@chromium0818 thank you for your advice! I’m probably going to take SL at my school so that I can focus on all my subjects better and because I like teacher interaction. I really appreciate your response though!