IB math sequence question

<p>My daughter is a freshman currently in Honors Algebra 2, with a solid A. Even though she has always been successful in math, it requires a lot of effort and does not always come easily. For this reason she is considering taking SL math(two years at her school), instead of HL as her math teacher recommended. She is interested law and looking at Stanford, UCLA, Berkley.</p>

<p>She has been advised by her counselor to take AP statistics next year, then SL 1 and 2 junior and senior years. She is being discouraged from taking SL 1 and 2 first, and stats senior year because it does not show progressive difficulty and the AP exam will not be on her college applications. However, either option is possible. </p>

<p>I am concerned about her taking statistics before SL math, for continuity reasons from Alg2, and preparation for SATs. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>Here is the typical math sequence for IB diploma students at my son’s HS:</p>

<p>9: Accelerated(Honors) Algebra II/Trig
10: AP Stats
11: IB Math SL
12: IB Math HL</p>

<p>He is in grade 11 right now and is not having any problems with Math SL, which at our school at least, is like Honors PreCalc plus the “A” material from AP Calculus. There is also some statistics covered on the SL test. Maybe that is why they are recommending that your daughter take AP Stats first.</p>

<p>Our school does not have 2 year SL programs. All the SL exams are taken after only 1 year of instruction.</p>

<p>My D hates math and needless to say will not continue on a high math track in college. Her GC advised her to stay in SL math all 3 yrs and take all her best subjects as HL. It was a good game plan because she maintained a good GPA and her predicted IB score is very high.</p>

<p>Our school does it like this:</p>

<p>Algebra 2 -> Math Studies SL
Algebra 2 -> IB Math I SL-> IB Math I HL -> IB Math II HL
Algebra 2 -> IB Math I SL-> IB Math II SL -> AP Math Course (for juniors in IB Math SL II)</p>

<p>My school doesn’t offer HL Math anymore, shame, and they weirdly make it so that SL is taken over two years. So, most people take this sequence:</p>

<p>9: Algebra 2
10: IB Math SL 1
11: IB Math SL 2
12: either nothing or AP (because our district only requires 3 years of math to graduate)</p>

<p>MY school does
Algebra II H
Pre-Calculus H/ IB Math SL (Same class)
AP Calculus AB
IB Math HL</p>