IB scores and colleges?

I'm an IB Second Year who is applying to colleges for Fall 2015. I graduate high school in May 2015 but I want to apply ED to a school.
My courses are:
Economics HL
Social and Cultural Anthropology HL
English Language and Literature HL
Physics SL
Maths SL
Spanish ab initio </p>

<p>For my First year's final exams, I got a score of 34 out of 42 and a predicted 36/42. My achieved grade was within the top 5% of 47 students.
However, I just got my Mid semester results for my Second Year IB back and I was happy to see that I'd gotten a 37 out of 42 (achieved) and a 38 out of 42 predicted score. I was 2nd in a class of 47.
I got 6's in all my subjects and a 7 in Anthropology.
My question is are my scores good/competitive? I wanna apply to a top notch LAC for ED and my SAT will hopefully be good too but as for IB, how would you consider my score? I'm from Nepal by the way, attending the only IB school here.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>Oh okay, to clarify things up a bit: My First year finals grade, I was 3rd in class out of 47 students. </p>

<p>I also apologize for the terrible grammar up there^ I was in a rush to type all of that out before my laptop’s battery died.</p>