IB Spanish textbook?

Do your IB Spanish classes have a textbook? This is for Spanish SL (though it is taught as a combo with senior HL students in the same class). The majority of the SL kids (juniors) in the class are taking this a la carte, rather than a part of the diploma.

The only textbook is a small literature excerpts book. The teacher hands out worksheets that are like 3rd generation copies of something that originally had colored backgrounds and so are difficult to read. It’s not really clear what the plan is for the class curriculum, though the teacher has taught this for several years.

I see there are textbooks for “IB Spanish B” on Amazon. (What’s the B?) Don’t see prep books like you’d get for AP classes. Would getting one of the textbooks help?

There is an IB Spanish textbook(s) that exists and my school uses one. I would assume it helps.

Thanks. We figured out that the poorly copied worksheets are from “Spanish B for the IB Diploma” by Mike Thacker and Sebastian Bianchi. I purchased the workbook and its accompanying textbook for home use via Amazon.