IB Testing Percentage breakdown?

<p>Does anyone know where i can find percentage breaks down of each IB test?
I mean something like
1 - Bottom 5%
2 5-15%

<p>This as compared to other IB students i mean.</p>

<p>I ask this assess whether or not it's worth it to take the AP Physics test on top of the HL IB test. I would only take physics because it would be easier to a score that leads to the same amount of college credit at certain colleges.</p>

<p>This is a link to IB Diploma Statistical Bulletins Since November 2005. It has the information you want, plus a lot more statistics that might be helpful. [Diploma</a> Programme statistical bulletin](<a href=“http://www.ibo.org/facts/statbulletin/dpstats/index.cfm]Diploma”>http://www.ibo.org/facts/statbulletin/dpstats/index.cfm). You can compare this to information of the College Board website for score distribution for AP Exams [Score</a> Distributions](<a href=“http://professionals.collegeboard.com/testing/ap/scores/distributions]Score”>AP Program Results – Reports | College Board).</p>

<p>OP - Something else to keep in mind is that the content covered in IB may be different than on the AP test. That should play a bigger role in your decision than the score distribution, I think.</p>

<p>Also, looking at the IB info, it seems strange to me how big of differences there are in terms of scores depending on the subject. I was expecting it to be much more uniform between tests.</p>