IB vs. College

Hey everyone,

I’m an IBDP second year student taking 3 HLs and 3 SLs.
My HLs:
IB English A: Literature HL
IB European History HL
IB Biology HL

IB Math SL
IB Chemistry SL
IB Spanish B SL

I plan to major in chemical and biological engineering as well as follow the pre-med track. I was wondering… how hard is engineering/pre-med in comparison to the IB program? Will I struggle or will I be just fine?

What your HLs are vs what you want to study don’t quite match…

For engineering you need to take Calculus 1-3 and Differential Equations in college
You will need to take Chemistry and Physics

For premed you will need Also Bio and Organic Chemistry

With the IB program you are used to studying hard, so that will be helpful for college.

However, I don’t know how you will do in college math…just realize that it is very smart to get help if you need it…tutors, professor office hours, math center. You are probably used to being very smart…but don’t think you have to do it all by yourself.

My high school forces everyone to take English A: Literature since it’s our native language. My school also has a limited selection of IB courses so that’s why they don’t quite match. Thanks for the advice though.

Math HL is hard very hard . But useful for engineering. I’m premed and was planing to take 4HL but switched chem to sl . Because it was too much between hL math bio English . Ecs and jobs . First time ever I got B s ( HL math ) I suggest taking HL s only in subjects u love and are relatively easy for you ( there is no easy HL) I regret not taking Spanish hL as 4th . even teacher suggested I was good enough :slight_smile: I got 7 on my sl exams :slight_smile: but three HLs are enough if u are doing some extra curriculars, sports, job, and just want to have normal life

Well judgin by ur subject choice, and assuming its US colleges, i think its bad to take subjects for the HL completely unrelated to ur intended major.

THe difficulty aspect is upto u, and how ur tendencies are towards subjects…