ibanking college

<p>what you guys think about (Rutgers University) for a major, possible double major in finance/economics for investment banking. I herd of some type of recruiting there but Just looking for some insight info</p>

<p>&& if that seems impossible, where could i be able to achieve a well known MBA where companies would actually recognize me.</p>

<p>with a Rutgers degree and a 3.5> GPA is it possible to be accepted to Columbia, Stern, or something of this level for a graduates program? (prob in economics/finance)</p>

<p>(yes i am in the NJ area so something around hear is welcomed, nothing 3,000 miles away)
&& if i should go after different majors for this career please correct me</p>

<p>Graduate programs also look at your GMAT score and work experience, so as long as you do well on the test and spend a couple years doing something respectable, you should be fine for grad school. Getting a high GPA won’t hurt, of course.</p>