<p>what you guys think about (Rutgers University) for a major, possible double major in finance/economics for investment banking. I herd of some type of recruiting there but Just looking for some insight info</p>
<p>&& if that seems impossible, where could i be able to achieve a well known MBA where companies would actually recognize me.</p>
<p>with a Rutgers degree and a 3.5> GPA is it possible to be accepted to Columbia, Stern, or something of this level for a graduates program? (prob in economics/finance)</p>
<p>(yes i am in the NJ area so something around hear is welcomed, nothing 3,000 miles away)
&& if i should go after different majors for this career please correct me</p>
<p>It’s very unfortunate this board has taken on such an ugly tone. I’m really hoping it has little to do with banking as those of the posters I know on this thread have nothing to do with banking.</p>
<p>Ungrad, it would be tough to land an ibanking job from Rutgers which is not on most bank’s hiring list. It’s not impossible, especially if you know people in the business, but there are fewer jobs right now and they are mostly going to kids with very high GPAs at top colleges.</p>
<p>An MBA is a good transition degree. With 3-6 years of good business experience and a high GMAT score, you can enter a top MBA program and go from there.</p>