<p>My ethical dilemma is that I am an promoter of socialism but as a socialist, I don't want to blindly accept certain policies just because the bureaucrats.</p>
<p>I believe the food pyramid, which was created to imrpove the grain industry (thus 6 serving grain daily), is the cause of the overweight/obese epidemic in this country - this ONE pyramid.So many Americans sheepishly follow this carb based diet.</p>
<p>I provide some warrant I learned in school/from observations and conclude that people must question everything to live the fullest and without the government abusing its people.</p>
<p>If you really believe that people should question everything, do you also believe that you should question your socialist leanings? Why not read some laissez faire ideas on how to deal with unhealthy diets and see if you can come up some synthesis of the infomation? Anyone can cut and paste from some guru but it’s more impressive if you can learn from contradictory sources. GL!</p>
<p>Bird rock, I don’t know what you mean by cutting and pasting from “some guru.” I’ve thought alot about this issue and it deeply concerns me. I’ve adopted a new diet and this action and questioning reflects my outlook on life - question everything. Hence, it falls into the moral dilemma question: Analyze policies even if they are enforced by government - don’t follow the herd mentality.</p>
<p>So of course I question my socialist bent and I have read primary documents about laissez faire. </p>
<p>3Point7Student: Admissions officers should get the picture (about the grain, meat, AND dairy) from reading the essay because the whole pyramid is based on corporation desires; not science. It wasn’t even created with the advise of the HHS. So, yes, they’ll get it about the dairy industry as well. :)</p>
<p>But back to the start - Is this ok to write about for a college admissions essay? I have no experience with this and it’s for class. We’re practicing now.</p>