<p>Looking for ideas on Engineering programs for a student with the following stats:</p>
<p>3.85uw, 4.1w, top 5% of 750
6APs, AP Lang, APChem lect/lab (two classes), AP Lit, AP Calc AB, AP Physics
Only 1AP offered Soph year, so while there is a wide range, but really only two years to take APs
5yrs language, all electives programming/engineering</p>
<p>SATs: CR 710, M 680, W 650
SAT2s: Chem 740, Math2 660
Retest SAT Oct, SAT2 Math2 Nov</p>
<p>LOR's will be very good/ excellent. Essays will be good, but not his strong point. They will be technically perfect, but may not be a home run. I refuse to see until they are sent, so who knows.</p>
<p>Notable EC's/experience:
Robotics: 3yrs, multiple state awards & qualification to World Championships each yr. Placed 3rd at World's 2010. 20hrs/week
Mentor Elem Robotics team: 7hrs/week fall & winter
Science National Honor Society 2yrs
Professional CAD certification
Summer Internship supporting an architect at custom building firm: drafting using CAD, etc. full time.
Participated in State Science Fair (qualified through regional awards)
Black Belt Tae Kwon Do</p>
<p>No hooks.</p>
<p>We will not qualify for FA, so Merit Aid is necessary if he goes OOS. This will have to bring the cost down to VA instate tuition ($25k/yr tops).</p>
<p>Here's where it gets frustrating. He is very quick to say 'nope, not interested' to MANY schools (RIT, Embry Riddle, UMDCP). He wants the option of Aero Eng. which narrows the list considerably.</p>
<p>The obvious schools are going to be UVa (reach unless the math goes up, then still a reach because it's UVa), and VT. I think he needs to be applying to more than TWO schools!!!</p>
<p>Any thoughts on other places to suggest looking in the east coast/south (flexible on this)? Thanks :)</p>