<p>Hey guys,
for my IDOC, it's asking for my parents' 1099 Forms.
However, they're employed by businesses, and get W-2 Forms instead.
What should I do? The FAQ section on the website doesn't help and I can't call in until Monday.<br>
Should I just omit it? </p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>1099s can be interest statements from their bank account, or any other kind of money that comes in that doesn’t have tax withheld from it. Most people at least get a 1099 for interest on their bank account, or else interest from the escrow on their mortgage… if they have mortgage payments.</p>
<p>That said, you won’t have all the forms necessarily that IDOC lists on their cover sheet. We have only a very few (w-2s, 1099s, tax returns… but none of the various schedules A,B,C, etc or Forms 1065, 2555, 1120, etc. I don’t even know what those things are.)</p>
<p>You send them all the forms on the list that you <em>have</em> — what you don’t have, you can’t send.</p>