<p>(A) 900
(B) 600
(C) 300
(D) 0.006
(E) 0.003</p>
<p>alternatively .03 * 100 = 3 so 3*100= 300</p>
<p>Is this a question from the CB? Frankly it just seems to easy to eliminate A, B and D.</p>
<p>Using key terms like ‘of’ you can write… .03<em>n=3
Get .03 on other side… 3</em>.03=n</p>
<p>now 3 x .03</p>
<p>Learning to move decimals is simple and elegant. It also works! </p>
<p>0.03 percent of n is 3 is the same as
3 percent of n is 300</p>
<p>What is what they asked? What is 3 percent of n? </p>
<p>PS Obviously moving two decimal points is the same as multiplying by 100! </p>
<p>i did that in my head</p>