If anyone has a few seconds to help out a jun10r it will be appreciated..

<p>I'm trying to look into schools. I've used books, websites, people, and everything but I can't get together a good college list that i want to start looking into even further and start visiting...</p>

<p>if anyone would be able to suggest some universities for me it will be appreciated</p>

<p>I would like:</p>

<p>-Medium sized school.
-needs to have a really nice campus/ quality of life / dorms (one of the most important things)
-very good professors
-dont care about location much, preferably not in a HUGE city with no campus (if its in a city with a pretty good campus thatll be fine) and i also dont want it in the middle of no where with nothing to do
-northeast (from Wash D.C. up to Boston)
-Great academics
-Closely knit student body
-Has some type of sports scene.. doesn't need to be huge but i don't want sports to be like absent..
-good reputation
-Ill either be majoring in math, or maybe business.. still not 100%.. MAYBE pre-vet..</p>

<p>Here are some of my stats:
just took SAT but shooting for 2200+
top 10% of class, pretty high GPA
-very rigorous course load.. 6 or 7 APs by graduation
-job for 3 years, volunteer at same place, pretty good EC's
-my essay should be really good i already know what im going to write about and itll make me stand out im pretty sure
-wherever im interested in ill prob take a summer course there this summer.. ill have to see</p>


<p>If you do end up scoring that high, look at Fordham as a safety.</p>

<p>(not in NE) but Miami University (Ohio) is a great college that meets all of your criteria
Hockey is HUGE there
there are about 15000 kids but most classes are max 30
its 20 minutes from cincinnati but located in a really cool college town
There is a fairly large business dept
and i know a ton of kids who are majoring in some sort of math
The campus is gorgeous especially when it snows
My bro goes there and he’s absolutely in love with it
They also have greek houses</p>

<p>You really limit my recommended options when just prefering the north east/ D.C area area…
New York University
Boston University
Pennslyvania University- State Park
University of Maryland- College Park</p>

<p>Here are a couple matchs:
Boston College
American University
Boston University
Penn State
Also there are some good college a little farther north:
Bowdoin College
Bates College
Colby College
(all in Maine)</p>

<p>Here are some reaches you might want to check out:
Brown University

<p>Hope I helped!</p>

<p>thanks… i really like upenn… do you think it matches what i want well?</p>

<p>UPenn is a good school, but it is located in the midst of a major city.</p>

<p>You spelled ‘junior’ and ‘nyorker’ incorrectly. No matter, you’re afforded a certain level of cuteness when posting on the internet.</p>

<p>you can try looking for matches on Princeton Review, but it looks like you already got some grea advice for schools to consider right here on this thread</p>

<p>Tufts, Carnegie Mellon, U of Rochester</p>

<p>thanks yeah… and everyone in my graduating years writes jun10rs because we graduate in '10 hahah</p>