<p>Two of my top college choices are Case Western Reserve University and University of Rochester. I'm an engineering major, and wondering which to go to! I also really want a balanced education, including both the engineering degree and as many liberal arts classes as I can fit into that.</p>
<p>So far, my pros for Case are that it's much, much less expensive (2/3 the cost, and would not require loans) and a very good engineering program. Cons are the location and that it's less the social situation I imagined, and less liberal artsy.</p>
<p>For Rochester, it has a lot of pros; the take-five program, the location, the liberal arts and -design your own curriculum aspects, and the general support of students. its major con is the cost; i would have to take out significant loans.</p>
<p>What are your opinions and recommendations?</p>
<p>Thank you very much!</p>