If I Could Make Only One Selling Point to a Bama Recruit

<p>When I once asked my son what he’d tell a University of Alabama recruit if he could only make one selling point, he said, “If there’s something you really want do, Bama will do everything it can to help you make it happen.”</p>

<p>It’s not just a slogan. As many of you know, his film won Best Picture at Campus MovieFest Alabama and moves on to national competition at Campus Moviefest Hollywood in June. Yestrday he asked the Office of Student Affairs if the University could offer any support to help him go to Hollywood, even though he will have graduated.</p>

<p>Their response: a $1,000 grant. Just like that. How do I love thee, Bama? Let me count the ways. :)</p>

<p>Roll Tide! And congratulations to Sean! Cannot wait to see what the future holds for this bright young man!</p>

<p>Update: I just received a text from my son saying the Honors College will “probably” match the Student Affairs grant. Wonders never cease. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>PS Thank you, Carcode2001. :)</p>

<p>that’s awesome! when is the hollywood event?</p>

<p>June 19-22, Mike. It involves lots of workshops, networking, the screenings of student films, and the awards ceremony.</p>

<p>Hearing things like this is so encouraging to an incoming freshman! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Is this open to the public?
I would love to attend!!</p>

<p>I’m not sure. Click on the link, subscribe to their newsletter and/or follow them on Facebook or Twitter and I’m sure you’ll get all the info you need. <a href=“http://www.campusmoviefest.com/hollywood/”>http://www.campusmoviefest.com/hollywood/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>Can we get an invite to a Hollywood premiere of his major blockbuster some day? haha Congrats! </p>

<p>Can’t read this without smiling. Congrats to malanai and son, and everyone else living the dream at Bama.</p>

<p>Btw, I’m on my way there today to visit and tour with S2 (and see S1, of course). Haven’t been there since freshman move in 1.5 years ago.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for your kind words. As a friend of mine posted elsewhere, my son should be sporting one of those t-shirts that says “Built By 'Bama.” His success is very much a by-product of UA’s success. We are so grateful.</p>

<p>And Chardo, I’m jealous! :)</p>

<p>Such a great example of what this school does for its students! Roll Tide!</p>